Siromasi i siromaštvo u Svetom pismu: fenomen i (ne)mogućnost njegova idealiziranja

Autor: Ivica Čatić
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Bogoslovska smotra
Volume 84
Issue 3
ISSN: 1848-9648
Popis: Hod temom siromaha i siromaštva u Svetom pismu započinje prvim stranicama i izvještajima o stvaranju. Nakon panoramskog pregleda glavnih naglasaka pojedinih grupa knjiga, autor pažnju poklanja pitanju mogućnosti teološkog govora o siromaštvu kao idealu u Starom zavjetu. Ukupnost hoda starozavjetnim tekstovima u prvi plan stavlja Božju volju da čovjek uživa materijalno izobilje, ističe pojavu različitih vidova socio-ekonomskih nepravda te pruža naznaku kako uspostaviti red u tom području – najradikalnija mjera jest realizirati ideal jubilejske godine. Novozavjetni odjeljak, nakon metodoloških napomena u svezi teškoće detektiranja naravi siromaštva o kojima pojedini tekstovi govore, također prosljeđuje prebirući pojedine izričaje u pojedinim knjigama ili grupama knjiga. U zasebnom odjeljku obrađuju se pavlovski spisi jer pružaju najdetaljniji uvid u praksu rane Crkve. I u okviru govora o siromasima i siromaštvu u Novom zavjetu pažnja je posvećena pitanju mogućnosti utemeljenja teologije ili duhovnosti siromaštva u smislu njegova uzdizanja na rang ideala koji bi trebalo slijediti. Kao i Stari zavjet, i Novi zavjet promiče nadilaženje siromaštva putem zajedništva dobara čije dijeljenje unutar zajednice označava pravac hoda prema idealu.
The journey of exploration of the topic of the poor and poverty in the Holy Scripture starts on its first pages and with its accounts of creation. After providing a panoramic overview of the main characteristics of each individual group of books, the author focuses on the issue of whether it is possible to detect a theological discourse on poverty as an ideal in the Old Testament. The analysis of the Old Testament texts reveals, primarily, God’s will that the human being should enjoy material abundance, the phenomenon of various kinds of social-economic injustices, and an indication on how to re-introduce order in this area of life – the most radical measure would be to realise the ideal of the jubilee year. The New Testament section of this article begins with some methodological remarks related to the difficulty of detecting the nature of poverty about which individual texts speak, and continues with an analysis of certain expressions in individual books or groups of books. A separate section analyses the Pauline writings, which offer the most detailed insight into the praxis of the early Church. These two sections, which focus on the New Testament writings, are also exploring the possibility to found a theology or a spirituality of poverty (based on them) in the sense of it being an ideal that should be followed. However, both Testaments actually encourage going beyond poverty through the communion of goods, whose sharing within a community signifies the direction of journey towards the ideal.
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