Occurrence of phenotypic virulence markers, enteropathogenic serotypes and verocytotoxin production amongst strains of Escherichia coli isolated from non-diarrhoeic dogs in Trinidad

Autor: Nadira Seepersadsingh, Abiodun Adewale Adesiyun
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Veterinarski arhiv
Volume 79
Issue 3
ISSN: 1331-8055
Popis: The study was conducted to determine the prevalence and selected characteristics of Escherichia coli in non-diarrhoeic dogs from Trinidad. Rectal swabs or faecal samples were collected. Primary isolation of E. coli was done on eosin methylene blue (EMB) agar, haemolysin and mucoid production were detected on blood agar (BA) and sorbitol fermentation was assayed on sorbitol MacConkey agar (SMAC) agar. Agglutination tests, using commercially available antisera, determined O157-positive and enteropathogenic (EPEC) strains of E. coli while the vero cell assay detected verocytotoxigenic E. coli (VTEC) strains. Overall, of a total of 1,391 dogs sampled, E. coli was isolated from 1,266 (91.0%) dogs. Differences were statistically significant amongst E. coli isolated from dog sources (P
Istraživanje je poduzeto radi određivanja prevalencije i određenih značajki bakterije Escherichia coli u pasa bez proljeva na Trinidadu. Pretraženi su bili uzorci obrisaka rektuma i izmeta. E. coli bila je izdvojena na eozinmetilensko plavilo agaru. Tvorba hemolizina i sluzi dokazivana je na krvnomu agaru, a fermentacija sorbitola na MacConkey sorbitolskom agaru. Serološka skupina O157 i enteropatogenost dokazani su aglutinacijskim testom pomoću komercijalnih antiseruma, dok su verocitotoksigeni sojevi dokazani testom na staničnoj kulturi VERO. E. coli bila je izdvojena iz 1266 (91,0%) od pretraženih 1391 psa. Statistički značajne razlike ustanovljene su u izdvajanju E. coli (P
Databáze: OpenAIRE