Autor: Anita Liška, Vlatka Rozman, Irma Kalinović, Andrijana Eđed, Slavica Mustač, Bojana Perhoč
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Poljoprivreda
Volume 17
Issue 1
ISSN: 1848-8080
Popis: Red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) is a major pest of stored products. The aim of this study was to assess the potential fumigant effects of 1,8-cineole, essential oil component, on the T. castaneum pupae. The compound was tested in 6 doses; in two treatments (fumigation without grain and with wheat grain), exposed for 48 h, in 4 repetitions, for each gender. The compound 1,8-cineole had lethal effect on the treated pupae at both genders and in the both treatments. Total proportion of the normally developed beetles was decreased. In addition, 1,8-cineole had also a growth regulator effect, producing adultoids and deformed units, with males more susceptible. In the treatment with the grain there were significant lower dead pupae, normally developed live male beetles and also deformed female units in the stage 2. In general, compound 1,8-cineole has multiple effect against T. castaneum in pupal stage.
Kestenjasti brašnar Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), je značajan štetnik uskladištenih poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Cilj rada je ispitati fumigantnu učinkovitost 1,8-cineola na kukuljice T. castaneum. Izolat je testiran u 6 doza; u dva tretmana (fumigacija bez zrna i sa zrnom pšenice) s ekspozicijom od 48 sati, u 4 ponavljanja, za svaki spol. Izolat 1,8-cineol je djelovao letalno na tretirane kukuljice kod oba spola i u oba tretmana. Smanjen je ukupni udio normalno razvijenih odraslih brašnara. Također, 1,8-cineol djelovao je i kao regulator rasta kukuljica, stvarajući adultoid i deformirane jedinke, s većom osjetljivošću muškoga spola. U tretmanu sa zrnom značajno je smanjen postotak uginulih kukuljica, normalno razvijenih živih muških jedinki, kao i deformiranih ženskih jedinki u stadiju 2. Može se zaključiti da je izolat 1,8-cineol višestruko učinkovit za suzbijanje T. castaneum u stadiju kukuljice.
Databáze: OpenAIRE