Dokumenti Katoličke crkve o ekumenskom problemu ređenja žena i njihova teološko-ekumenska analiza

Autor: Dušan Moro
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Služba Božja : liturgijsko-pastoralna revija
Volume 52
Issue 3
ISSN: 1849-1057
Popis: Ređenje žena za svećenice i biskupice, koje su započele pojedine crkve i crkvene zajednice proistekle iz reformacijskog pokreta i baštine, postaje u posljednje vrijeme jedno od središnjih pitanja ekumenskog pokreta. Tom se trendu duboko suprotstavlja nauk i praksa Katoličke crkve i cijelog Pravoslavlja. Oni se, uglavnom,oslanjaju i prizivaju na trostruku argumentaciju: na Kristov primjer i poziv, te poslanje Dvanaestorice i njihovih nasljednika (argument iz Pisma); na Predaju kao vrijedan i nezaobilazan čimbenik života, nauka i prakse Crkve (argument Predaje); te na višestoljetno teološko i učiteljsko obrazloženje tog problema (argument Učiteljstva). Članak donosi autentično učenje Katoličke crkve izraženo u Izjavi Kongregacije za nauk vjere, iz 1976., te Apostolsko pismo pape Ivana Pavla II. iz 1994. U drugom dijelu, u sažetoj teološkoj analizi, naglasak je stavljen na ekumenski aspekt tog problema, te na traženje većeg suglasja i razumijevanja središnjih tema, kao što su to: Predaja, korektna interpretacija (hermeneutika) Predaje, te potrebe i prilagodljivost crkvene službe (ministerija) u suvremenim prilikama i potrebama u pojedinim crkvama.
The ordination of women for priestesses and bishopresses, started by some Churches and church communities emerging from the Reformation and its heritage, has recently become one of the central issues of Ecumenical Movement. This trend is firmly opposed by the doctrine and practice of the Catholic Church and the whole Orthodoxy. They mainly rely and refer to triple argumentation: to Christ’s example and vocation, as well as to the mission of the Twelve and their successors (the argument from Scripture); to Tradition as an important and unavoidable factor of life, Church doctrine and Church practice (the argument of Tradition); and to the centuries-old theological and magisterial justification of that issue (the argument of Magisterium). The article brings authentic teaching of the Catholic Church expressed in the Declaration of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, from 1976, and in the Apostolic Letter of Pope John Paul II from 1994. In the second part, in a short theological analysis, the emphasis is put on the ecumenical aspect of that problem, and also on searching for a broader agreement and understanding of central themes, such as: Tradition, correct interpretation (hermeneutics) of Tradition, and the needs and adaptability of church ministry in contemporary conditions and needs in particular Churches.
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