Bibliografija članaka s filozofskom tematikom u 'Radu Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti'

Autor: Kristina Polak Bobić, Ivica Zvonar
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine
Volume 39.
Issue 1 (77)
ISSN: 1847-4489
Popis: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti u razvoju filozofije na hrvatskom prostoru ima važnu ulogu u institucionalnom smislu te kroz djelovanje svojih članova. U razdoblju od 1869. do kraja 2012. godine na stranicama Rada, najstarijeg Akademijina znanstvenog časopisa, bili su objavljivani članci iz raznih filozofskih disciplina: iz povijesti filozofije – od grčke i indijske filozofije do suvremenih filozofskih strujanja, iz filozofije povijesti, ontologije, filozofije prirode, filozofije religije, filozofije znanosti, logike, etike, estetike, spoznajne teorije i filozofske antropologije. U Radu su rasprave objavljivali hrvatski filozofi Đuro Arnold, Albert Bazala, Franjo Marković i Stjepan Zimmermann, koji su svojim istupima i djelima svaki na svoj način obilježili epohu u kojoj su živjeli i stvarali. Imajući pak u vidu nastojanja za istraživanjem hrvatske filozofske baštine, najveći je interes u Radu bio pokazan za djelo Ruđera Boškovića i Alberta Bazale, ali objavljeni su bili i vrijedni članci o M. A. de Dominisu, J. Dragišiću, M. Frkiću, M. Getaldiću, N. Gučetiću, I. Lukareviću, F. Markoviću, F. Petriću i N. Šopu.
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, immediately after its foundation, began publishing serial publication Rad (Monographs) of Yugoslav / Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts covering a great number of scientific and artistic fields. The first book of Rad, the oldest Academy’s scientific journal, was published in 1867 and in late 2012 came out the 514th book of Rad. The Academy played an important role for the development of philosophy as an institution and through the activities of its members (such as F. Marković, Đ. Arnold, A. Bauer, A. Bazala, S. Zimmermann and others). During the period from 1869 to the end of 2012, there were 66 articles from various philosophical disciplines published in The Academy’s journal Rad. These cover a wide range of studies in the history of philosophy (from Indian and Greek philosophy to contemporary philosophical discussions) and topics from the philosophy of history, metaphysical and ontological considerations, supplements from the natural philosophy, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of religion and philosophy of science, together with works in the field of logic, ethics and aesthetics and articles in the field of cognitive theory and philosophical anthropology. Moreover, 24 articles which illustrate the relationship between philosophy and other professions were published in Rad as well. These are, for instance, various branches of natural, technical, social sciences and humanities, which may be, to some extent, included into the corpus of Croatian philosophical heritage. With their articles published in Rad, our thinkers and scientists of various professions have on a high level demonstrated their personality, ability and wideness of philosophical reflections on a variety of social, artistic and scientific phenomena. During the period from 1869 to the end of 2012, there were 90 articles with philosophical issues written by 53 authors altogether. From its foundation, the journal Rad has showed the tendency toward studying Croatian philosophical heritage, and articles that have been published here represent an important contribution to a better understanding of our philosophers and the history of philosophical disciplines. Thus, Rad contains texts about Juraj Dragišić, Frane Petrić, Nikola Gučetić, Marin Getaldić, Marko Antun de Dominis, Matija Frkić, Ivan Lukarević, Ruđer Bošković, Franjo Marković, Albert Bazala i Nikola Šop. Furthermore, the articles published in Rad are of particular importance for the oeuvre of our several philosophers, namely Đuro Arnold, Franjo Marković, Albert Bazala and Stjepan Zimmermann.
Databáze: OpenAIRE