The statue of 'Empress' from Zadar

Autor: Kornelija A. Giunio
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Diadora : glasilo Arheološkog muzeja u Zadru
Volume 33-34
Issue 33-34
ISSN: 2459-7694
Popis: U novom stalnom postavu antike Arheološkoga muzeja Zadar, kao posebno izdvojeni eksponat, nalazi se ulomak monumen­talnoga kipa žene, najvjerojatnije izrađen od mramora grčkoga podrijetla. Kip je odsječen ispod linije prsa, te mu nedostaje gla­va, obje ruke, noge i baza. Kip je otkriven u Zadru 1911. god. pri kopanju temelja za zgradu novoga kina „Radium“ i poklonjena je Muzeju. Kip je odjeven u odjeću karakterističnu za rimske gra­đanke iz uglednijih i bogatijih društvenih slojeva. To je višeslojna odjeća koju čini tunika s rukavima, stola i pala. Kip je izvorno bio izrazito nadnaravne veličine. Glava (eventualni portret) i ruke s mogućim atributima nedostaju, a to su elementi koji bi doprini­jeli tumačenju kipa. Vjerodostojna je pretpostavka da kip pred­stavlja neku od rimskih carica ili caricu u liku neke rimske božice ili svećenice, i to carice julijevsko-klaudijevske dinastije (27. god. prije Kr. – 68. god. poslije Kr.). Stilsko-likovne i tehničke karakte­ristike skulpture, posebice obrade odjeće, njezinih nabora, stav i položaj kipa (kontrapost tijela i savijeno koljeno) nedvojbeno upućuju na dataciju u kasno Tiberijevo (vladao od 14. do 37. god. poslije Kr.) i Klaudijevo razdoblje (vladao od 41. do 54. god. po­slije Kr.).
In the new permanent exhibition of the Antiquity of the Zadar Archaeological Museum, as a specially selected exhibition item, there is a fragment of a monumental statue of a woman, most probably made of marble of Greek origin. The statue is cut below the chest line and lacks the head, both arms, legs and the base. The statue was discovered in Zadar in 1911 when digging the foundation for the new “Radium” cinema building and was do­nated to the Museum. The statue is dressed in clothing character­istic of Roman citizens from more prominent and wealthy social classes. It is multilayered clothing consisting of a sleeved tunic, a stola and a palla. The statue had initially been of supernatural size. The head (potentially a portrait) and the hands with possible attributes are missing, which are the elements that would con­tribute to the interpretation of the statue. It is a credible assump­tion that the statue represents one of the Roman Empresses or an Empress in the form of a Roman goddess or priestess, and that was an Empress of the Julian-Claudian Dynasty (27 BC-68 AD). The stylistic and art characteristics of the sculpture, in particu­lar the drapery of clothing, its folds, the posture and position of the statue (body counter posture and a bent knee) undoubtedly point to its dating to the late Tiberius’ (ruled from 14 to 37 AD) and Claudius’ period (ruled from 41 AD to 54 AD).
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