Educators and Religious Teachers before the Challenges of the Pandemic and the Earthquake

Autor: Jurić, Kata s. Amabilis
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Diacovensia : teološki prilozi
Volume 30
Issue 2
ISSN: 1849-014X
Popis: Na temelju teološko-katehetske, religiozno-pedagoške i sociološke literature u radu su predstavljeni rezultati kvalitativnoga istraživanja o promišljanjima odgojiteljica, vjeroučitelja/ica i ravnatelja Zagrebačke i Sisačko-moslavačke županije u kojoj mjeri kršćanska vjera pomaže pronaći smisao u vremenu krize pandemije i potresa te pruža li čvrstu nadu kao oslonac u različitim okolnostima radi poboljšanja kvalitete života u predškolskim ustanovama, Centrima za odgoj i obrazovanje, osnovnim i srednjim školama. U prvom dijelu ovoga znanstvenoga rada ukratko je objašnjena metodologija kvalitativnih istraživanja koja pruža mogućnost detaljnijega i dubljega sagledavanja i razumijevanje problema koji se istražuje. Iskazi sugovornika u dubinskom intervjuu o promišljanjima pred izazovima pandemije i potresa, opisani u drugom dijelu rada, omogućuju dublje razumijevanje percepcije aktualnoga stanja u odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama s posebnim naglaskom na duhovno-vjerničkim proživljavanjima vremena u kojem živimo. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da se intervjuirani vjeroučitelji, unatoč općeljudskim osjećajima straha, anksioznosti, nesigurnosti, tjeskobe i izgubljenosti, uspijevaju hrabro i odvažno nositi kroz ovo vrijeme zahvaljujući čvrstom pouzdanju u Boga, molitvi, vjeri i nadi, što je evidentno u njihovu još zauzetijem i predanijem radu s djecom i mladima.
Based on the theological-catechetical, religious-pedagogical, and sociological literature, the paper presents the results of qualitative research on the reflections of educators, religious teachers, and principals of Zagreb and Sisak-Moslavina counties on the extent to which the Christian faith helps to find meaning in times of crises due to the pandemic and the earthquake, and does it provide firm hope and support in different circumstances to improve the quality of life in preschool institutions, Centers for Education, primary and secondary schools. The first part of this scientific paper briefly explains the methodology of qualitative research, which provides the possibility of more detailed and deeper consideration and understanding of the problem researched. The second part of the paper brings the statements of the participants of this in-depth interview and their thoughts regarding the challenges set before them by the pandemic and the earthquake. They provide a deeper understanding of the perception of the current situation in educational institutions, with emphasis on spiritual and religious experiences of the time we live in. The results show that despite the general feeling of fear, anxiety, insecurity, angst, and loss, the interviewed religious teachers manage to cope in these times bravely and boldly, thanks to their trust in God, prayer, faith, and hope, which is evident in their even more involved and dedicated work with children and young people.
Databáze: OpenAIRE