Conservation And Restoration Works On kurtin From The Collection Of Adriatic Costumes Of The Ethnographic Museum Split (Summary)

Autor: Ribarović, Vana
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Ethnologica Dalmatica
Volume 29
ISSN: 1849-1030
Popis: Haljetak inventarnog broja 630:SLT;2627 iz Zbirke jadranskih nošnji nabavljen u Žrnovnici tipski je primjer zatvorenijeg kurtina karakterističnog za splitsku narodnu nošnju 20. stoljeća. Odabran je za konzerviranje i restauriranje zbog jako lošeg stanja u kojem se nalazio. Dio oštećenja je nastao kao posljedica neodgovarajućeg smještaja unutar muzejske čuvaonice. Tijek radova i saznanja o predmetu do kojih se došlo prilikom vizualnog pregleda, izvršenih analiza i samog rada detaljno su dokumentirani, a po završetku radova predmet je na drugačiji, primjereniji način smješten u muzejsku čuvaonicu.
The robe of inventory number 630:SLT,2627 from the Collection of Adriatic Costumes procured in Žrnovnica is a typical example of a more closed kurtin characteristic of the Split folk costume of the 20th century. It was chosen for conservation and restoration due to the very poor condition in which it was. Part of the damage was caused by inadequate accommodation inside the museum storage room. The course of work and knowledge about the object that was obtained during the visual inspection, performed analyzes and the work itself are documented in detail, and after the completion of the work the object is placed in a different, more appropriate way in the museum storage.
Databáze: OpenAIRE