Liječenje oroantralne fistule

Autor: Klara Sokler, Vanja Vuksan, Tomislav Lauc
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Acta stomatologica Croatica : International journal of oral sciences and dental medicine
Volume 36
Issue 1
ISSN: 1846-0410
Popis: Autori prikazuju problematiku oroantralne fistule iz aspekta pregleda mogućnosti kirurškoga liječenja. Prikazani su poznati i manje poznati operativni postupci i raščlanjene su njihove prednosti i nedostatci. Svrha je rada podsjetiti čitatelja na jatrogenu mogućnost nastanka antrooralne komunikacije, mogućnost razvoja fistule i infekcije maksilarnoga sinusa te upozoriti na pretjerane kirurške zahvate koji su se nekada rutinski provodili. Rezultat liječenja antrooralne komunikacije trebao bi biti uspostava fizioloških funkcija stomatognatog i respiratornog sustava sa što manje štete za bolesnika.
The authors present the problems of oroantral fistula by reviewing the possibilities of surgical treatment. Known and less known operative methods are described and their advantages and disadvantages analysed. The object of this study is to remind the reader of the iatrogenic possibility of the occurrence of an antrooral communication and possibility of the development of a fistula and infection of the maxillary sinus, and to warn against unnecessary use of extreme surgical methods, which were once performed routinely. The result of treatment of antrooral communication should be the establishment of physiological functions of the stomatognathic and respiratory system with as little harm to the patient as possible.
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