Crkva sv. Jurja na Bregu u Lopatincu: razvoj sklopa i podrijetlo stilskog rješenja

Autor: Petar Puhmajer, Ana Škevin Mikulandra
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Peristil : zbornik radova za povijest umjetnosti
Volume 57
Issue 1
ISSN: 1849-6547
Popis: U radu se utvrđuje složen proces arhitektonskog razvoja crkve sv. Jurja na Bregu koji je bio predodređen funkcionalnim promjenama. Crkva je od prvotne filijalne kapele postala župnom crkvom, a zatim i hodočasničkim mjestom, što je utjecalo na sukcesivnu izgradnju i povećanje čitavog kompleksa. Crkva i zid cinktora podignuti su od 1739. do oko 1747., nakon čega je cinktor nadograđen u trijem prije 1768. godine. Značajna obnova cijelog kompleksa uslijedila je između 1774. i 1779. kada je crkva produžena te je, kao i cinktor, dobila novo pročelje. U takvom vremenskom slijedu teško je odrediti pojedinačne faze razvoja, no može se zaključiti kako je četrdesetih godina sagrađena jednostavna crkva tradicionalnoga pravokutnog tlocrta, možda s ukorporiranim ranijim strukturama, dok je izgradnja novog pročelja crkve i cinktora s kulama, sedamdesetih godina, značila kvalitativnu nadgradnju kompleksa koji je tada dobio vrlo reprezentativan izgled. Ovdje je bila riječ o cjelovitom arhitektonskom projektu kojemu je bio cilj istaknuti značenje tada novoproglašene župne crkve, a ujedno i sve posjećenijega lauretanskog prošteništa. Oblikovanje pročelja crkve i cinktora odaje izrazite utjecaje štajerske graditeljske tradicije, osobito radionice obitelji Stengg iz Graza, a sličnosti nalazimo i u radovima mariborske radionice Josepha Hoffera i Johanna Fuchsa, koja je djelovala i na našem prostoru.
The paper aims to establish the stages of construction of the church of St. George on the Hill (Sveti Juraj na Bregu), which was predefined by its functional changes. The first erected filial chapel was turned into a parish church, which was then promoted into a place of pilgrimage, which had affected its successive construction and enlargements. The church with the surrounding graveyard wall was erected from 1739 to about 1747, after which the wall was built up into a porch before 1768. A significant renovation of the complex followed between 1774 and 1779 when the church was prolonged and was given a new main façade, just as was the porch on its front side. In such time sequence, it is difficult to determine the exact building stages, but we can say that the church built in the 1740s had a simple rectangular floor plan, maybe with some incorporated earlier structures, while the construction of the church extension and the new façades in the 1770s meant a qualitative upgrade of the complex, which thence gained an attractive appearance. The latter endeavor was conceived in a unique architectural project with the purpose of giving significance to a newly declared parish church and ever more visited place of pilgrimage. The design of both the church and the porch shows influences of the Styrian architectural tradition, especially those of the Stengg family building workshop in Graz, and we also find similarities in the works of the Maribor workshop lead by Joseph Hoffer and Johann Fuchs, who were also active in continental Croatia.
Databáze: OpenAIRE