Jedinstvena zgrada kao problem visokoškolskog glazbenog obrazovanja u Hrvatskoj: medijski odjeci izgradnje Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu 2003-2012

Autor: Marija Jelić
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Arti musices : hrvatski muzikološki zbornik
Volume 45
Issue 2
ISSN: 1848-9303
Popis: U ovom se radu raspravlja o problematici izgradnje jedinstvene zgrade Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu, ustanove koja je osnovana 1922. godine i nikada nije djelovala u okvirima jednog fizičkog prostora, nego se nastava vršila na više iznajmljenih lokacija. Nadalje, zbog komparativnog uvida u način djelovanja daje se pregled situacije u visokoobrazovnim glazbenim ustanovama susjednih zemalja — Bosni i Hercegovini, Sloveniji i Srbiji — koje kao zemlje proizašle iz Jugoslavije imaju djelomice sličnu povijest kao i Hrvatska, te u nekim drugim visokoobrazovnim glazbenim ustanovama Europe: u Francuskoj, Engleskoj i Poljskoj. Dok slične institucije u zemljama bivše Jugoslavije imaju iste probleme kao zagrebačka Muzička akademija, predstavljene zemlje Europske Unije imaju uređene visokoškolske glazbene ustanove s jedinstvenim prostorima, te kao takve predstavljaju nosioce glazbeno-kulturnog razvitka svojih zemalja. U drugom dijelu članka donose se medijske analize, izrađene na temelju novinskih članaka objavljenih u Aktualu,, Fokusu, Glasu Istre, Glasu Slavonije, Globusu, Građevinaru, Hrvatskom slovu, Jutarnjem listu, Nacionalu, Novom listu, ProGradnji, Slobodnoj Dalmaciji, Školskim novinama, Večernjem listu, Vijencu, Vjesniku, Zagreb Newsu, Zagreb moj grad i internetskim portalima u periodu od 1. siječnja 2003. do 1. svibnja 2012. Cilj je da se s pomoću grafijskih prikaza i statistika prikaže i ispita zastupljenost tema, sadržaja i stavova vezanih uz problematiku izgradnje zgrade Muzičke akademije. Prikazani rezultati analize medija pokazali su kako je komunikacija s medijima, a preko njih i sa širom javnosti bila potpuno neplanirana, te je propuštena mogućnost za formiranje pozitivnog javnog mišljenja o potrebi postojanja jedinstvene zgrade Muzičke akademije. Analiza je pokazala i korištenje problematike od strane političkih stranaka i političara u osobne promidžbene svrhe što je, uz nedostatak kreiranja vijesti od strane Muzičke akademije, rezultiralo djelomice negativnim kontekstom.
In this article the problems concerning the erecting of the Zagreb Academy of Music building are discussed. This institution was established in 1922 and has never been operating within one single physical space since then; instead, its teaching courses have been dispersed at several rented locations. Furthermore, in order to offer a comparative insight into their operating modes, the overview of the situation in the facilities of university level music institutions in neighbouring countries is given — in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia and Serbia — which, as countries that emerged from the former Yugoslavia, underwent similar historical processes. In addition, insight is also given into some university level music institutions in other European countries, such as France, England and Poland. While similar institutions in the capitals of the former Yugoslavia deal with similar problems as the Zagreb Academy of Music, the other European Union countries mentioned here have well-ordered university level music institutions with single facilities, thus functioning as one of the main factors in the music culture of their respective countries. In the second part of the article, analyses of Croatian media impact accompanying the erection of the Zagreb Academy of Music facilities are given, based on newspaper articles published in the following print media: Aktual,, Fokus, Glas Istre, Glas Slavonije, Globus, Građevinar, Hrvatsko slovo, Jutarnji list, Nacional, Novi list, ProGradnja, Slobodna Dalmacija, Školske novine, Večernji list, Vijenac, Vjesnik, Zagreb News, and Zagreb moj grad, as well as on internet portals, during the period from 1 January 2003 until 1 May 2012. The main goal of this presentation, with the help of graphs and statistical data, is to show and investigate the themes, content and attitudes connected with the whole complex of the erection of the Zagreb Academy of Music facilities. The results of the media analyses show that the institutional communication with the media and, consequently, with the broader general public, was totally unplanned, thus failing to form a positive public opinion about the need of erecting such Academy of Music facilities. The analyses have also shown that the whole issue was used by political parties and politicians in promoting their personal goals, which resulted — supported by the lack of adequate news being launched by the Academy of Music itself — in creating a partly negative public context.
Databáze: OpenAIRE