Comparative analysis of seronegative and seropositive rheumatoid arthritis regarding some epidemiological and anamnestic characteristics

Autor: Vjollca Sahatçiu-Meka, Remzi Izairi, Sylejman Rexhepi, Suzana Manxhuka-Kerliu
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Reumatizam
Volume 54
Issue 1
ISSN: 2459-6159
Popis: Classifying patients into two subsets of the disease - seronegative RA and seropositive RA - has been the subject of many studies which aim to clarify this phenomenon - without any conclusive or acceptable answer so far. The aim of this prospective study was to establish a scientific comparative analysis between seronegative and seropositive rheumatoid arthritis (RA) regarding some epidemiological and anamnestic characteristics. The studied group consisted of seronegative patients with titers lower than 1:64 as defined by Rose-Waaler test, while the control group consisted of seropositive patients with titers of 1:64 or higher. All patients belonged to 2nd and 3rd functional class according to the ARA criteria, were between 25-60 years of age (Xb=49,96), with disease duration between 1-27 years (Xb=6,41). Education, residence, economic and living conditions did not show any significant statistical difference regarding sero-status. Familial clustering of RA confirmed higher susceptibility in the seropositive group (χ2=7,02; p
Klasifikacija bolesnika s reumatoidnim artritisom (RA) u dvije skupine - seronegativni RA i seropozitivni RA - predmet je mnogih dosadašnjih istraživanja. U ovome prospektivnom istraživanju provedena je usporedna analiza seronegativnog i seropozitivnog reu­matoidnog artritisa u odnosu na neke epidemiološke i anamnestičke karakteristike. Ispitivanu skupinu činili su bolesnici sa seronegativnim RA s titrom manjim od 1:64 određenim pomoću Waaler-Roseova testa, dok su kontrolnu skupinu činili bolesnici sa seropozitivnim RA s titrom 1:64 ili višim. Svi ispitanici su pripadali II. I III. funkcijskom razredu (ARA), bili su životne dobi između 25-60 godina (Xb=49,96) s trajanjem bolesti 1-27 godina (Xb=6,41). Edukacija, mjesto boravka, ekonomski i životni uvjeti nisu pokazali znatnu statističku razliku u odnosu na serološki status. U bliskih rođaka RA je bio češće prisutan u seropozitivnoj skupini (χ2=7,02; p
Databáze: OpenAIRE