Armenski narod, Armenska Apostolska Crkva i doprinos armenskih katolika hrvatskoj kulturi

Autor: Artur Bagdasarov
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Crkva u svijetu : Crkva u svijetu
Volume 49
Issue 4
ISSN: 1848-9656
Popis: Rad je usredotočen na događaje iz povijesti armenskog naroda u XIX. stoljeću i početkom XX. stoljeća. Da bi se ti događaji mogli razumjeti, važno je pojasniti vezu između armenskog naroda i kršćanstva. Stoga se u prvom dijelu ukratko izlažu nastanak, ustroj, nauk i vjerski običaji Armenske Apostolske Crkve. Drugi dio posvećen je Armenskoj Katoličkoj Crkvi, odnosno uniji s Rimom, te posebno redovničkoj družbi Mhitarista i njihovu doprinosu hrvatskoj kulturi putem djelovanja Mhitarističke kongregacije u Beču. U trećem, središnjem dijelu rada prikazani su događaji vezani uz genocid nad Armencima, posebno hamidijski pokolj (1894.-1896.) te veliki pokolj (armenski holokaust, 1915.-1919.). U završnom dijelu donosi se osvrt na prešućivanje genocida nad Armencima u onodobnom hrvatskom tisku te o tome kako su ipak do danas ostale sačuvane veze između Armenaca i Hrvata, ponajprije zahvaljujući Dubrovčanima i sv. Vlahu.
The work focuses on the events in the history of Armenian people in the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. For the sake of better understanding of the events, it is important to explain the connection between the Armenian people and Christianity. Therefore, the first part briefly presents the formation, organization, doctrine and religious practices of the Armenian Apostolic Church. The second part is dedicated to the Armenian Catholic Church, i.e. union with rome, and especially the religious congregation of mhitarists and their contribution to Croatian culture through the activities of congregation of mhitarists in Vienna. The third part presents the events associated with the genocide against Armenians, particularly the Hamidian massacres (1894-1896), and Great Crime (the Armenian Holocaust, 1925-1919). The final part brings reference to the fact that genocide against Armenians was passed over in silence in that-time Croatian press; yet the connections between the Armenians and Croats have been preserved to this day, primarily thanks to the people of dubrovnik and st. Blaise.
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