Proizvodnja mikrobne transglutaminaze u podlozi od melase šećerne trske i glicerola

Autor: Oscar M. Portilla-Rivera, Simón J. Téllez-Luis, José A. Ramírez de León, Manuel Vázquez
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Food Technology and Biotechnology
Volume 47
Issue 1
ISSN: 1334-2606
Popis: Transglutaminase is an enzyme that catalyses an acyl transfer reaction between γ-carboxamide groups of glutaminyl residues and lysine residues in proteins. Due to this property, this enzyme is used for enhancing textural properties of protein-rich food. The transglutaminase used as food additive is obtained by microorganisms, mainly by Streptoverticillium ladakanum. On the other hand, sugar cane molasses is a viscous liquid rich in noncrystallized carbohydrates (saccharose, glucose and fructose). In this work, the feasibility of using sugar cane molasses as a carbon source for the production of microbial transglutaminase by Streptoverticillium ladakanum NRRL 3191 has been studied. Carbon sources including sugar cane molasses (60 g of total sugars per L), glycerol (60 g/L) and their mixture in a ratio of 1:1 (30 g/L of each) were evaluated. Time course of microbial growth, transglutaminase activity and carbon source consumption were determined every 24 h during 120 h of fermentations at three agitation speeds (200, 300 or 400 rpm). The results showed that with the increase in agitation speed, the biomass concentration increased up to 8.39 g/L in the medium containing sugar cane molasses alone or the mixture of molasses and glycerol. The highest transglutaminase activity was obtained at 400 rpm in the medium containing a mixture of molasses and glycerol, reaching 0.460 U/mL, while in the medium containing sugar cane molasses alone, the activity was 0.240 U/mL, and using glycerol alone it was 0.250 U/mL. These results show that sugar cane molasses is a suitable medium for transglutaminase production when it is combined with glycerol.
Transglutaminaza je enzim koji katalizira prijenos acila s γ-karboksamidne skupine glutamina na lizinski ostatak proteina (stvaranjem izopeptidne veze), a koristi se za poboljšanje teksture hrane bogate proteinima. Proizvodi se s pomoću mikroorganizma, najčešće s pomoću aktinomicete Streptoverticillium ladakanum. Melasa šećerne trske je viskozna tekućina bogata nekristaliziranim ugljikohidratima (saharozom, glukozom i fruktozom). U ovom je radu istražena mogućnost njezine primjene kao izvora ugljika pri proizvodnji transglutaminaze s pomoću soja Streptoverticillium ladakanum NRRL 3191. Kao izvori ugljika upotrijebljeni su melasa šećerne trske (60 g/L ukupnih šećera), glicerol (60 g/L) i njihova smjesa omjera 1:1 (po 30 g/L). Svaka 24 sata tijekom 120 sati fermentacije pri tri brzine miješanja (200, 300 ili 400 rpm) mjereni su sljedeći parametri: brzina mikrobnog rasta, aktivnost transglutaminaze i potrošnja izvora ugljika, a dobiveni su rezultati pokazali da s povećanjem brzine miješanja koncentracija biomase raste do 8,39 g/L u podlozi s melasom šećerne trske ili smjesom melase šećerne trske i glicerola. Najveća aktivnost transglutaminaze od 0,460 U/mL postignuta je upotrebom melase šećerne trske i glicerola pri najvećoj brzini miješanja (400 rpm), dok je kudikamo manja aktivnost dobivena primjenom same melase (0,240 U/mL) ili glicerola (0,250 U/mL). Rezultati pokazuju da je smjesa melase šećerne trske i glicerola najbolja podloga za proizvodnju transglutaminaze.
Databáze: OpenAIRE