Autor: Miroslav Čavlek, Kristina Gršić, Jasminka Butorac
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Agronomski glasnik : Glasilo Hrvatskog agronomskog društva
Volume 73
Issue 1-2
ISSN: 1848-8900
Popis: Utjecaj visine zalamanja i zrelosti na agronomska svojstva listova duhana s donje i gornje polovice stabljike flue-cured sorti duhana istraživan je tijekom 2004-05. i 2007. godine. U tu svrhu organizirana su istraživanja u glavnom uzgojnom području duhana u Hrvatskoj po split-split plot metodi. Postupci u pokusu u polju bili su (1) visina zalamanja (20 i 17 listova za berbu), (2) zrelost lista u vrijeme berbe (nedozreli, zreli i prezreli) i (3) sorta (HVT 1, VJ 1, DH17). Zalamanjem duhana na 20 listova za berbu postignuti su veći prosječni prinosi, cijena po kilogramu i vrijednost po hektaru listova duhana gornjih branja u usporedbi s nižim zalamanjem. Generalni trend većih prinosa listova duhana s donjih položaja na stabljici ustanovljen je berbom u stadiju optimalne zrelosti, a gornjih branja u stadiju lagane nedozrelosti. Isti trend utvrđen je za cijenu duhana, s izuzetkom gornjih branja u godini s izuzetno malo oborina u fazi intenzivnog rasta i početka dozrijevanja. Te godine je svaka odložena berba povećala cijenu. Značajna interakcija između godine, sorte i zrelosti lista u vrijeme berbe za vrijednost po hektaru i interakcija između godine, sorte i visine zalamanja za cijenu po kilogramu upućuju na zavisnost agronomskih pokazatelja sorti o proizvodnim uvjetima tijekom rasta i dozrijevanja, visini zalamanja i zrelosti lista duhana u momentu berbe.
The influence of topping heights and ripeness of leaf at harvest on the agronomic traits of Virginia tobacco cultivars was studied during 2004-2005 and in 2007. For this purpose, research in the main tobacco cultivation area in Croatia was organised, the split-split plot method being employed. The factors examined in the field trial were: (1) topping height (20 and 17 leaves for harvest), (2) the ripeness of the leaf at the time of harvest (unripe, ripe and overripe) and (3) cultivar (HVT 1, VJ 1, DH 17). Topping at 20 leaves for harvest resulted in greater average yields, price per kilogram and value per hectare of tobacco leaves of upper primings as compared with lower topping height. With respect to the ripeness of the leaves at the moment of harvesting, results of the investigation show a general trend towards greater yields of leaves in the lower position on the stalk with harvest in the stage of optimum ripeness and from upper stalk position in a slightly unripe stage. The same trend was determined for the price of tobacco, with the exception of upper primings in a year characterised by very small precipitation in the vigorous growth and early ripening period. That year every delay of harvesting increased the price. The considerable interaction between year, cultivar and ripeness of leaf at time of harvest with respect to value per hectare and the interaction between year, cultivar and topping height for price per kilogram suggest the dependence of agronomic traits of cultivars on the production conditions during the stage of vigorous growth and maturation, height of topping and ripeness of leaf at harvest.
Databáze: OpenAIRE