Autor: Tina Jakupak
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: InterEULawEast : journal for the international and european law, economics and market integrations
Volume 1
Issue 2
ISSN: 1849-4439
Popis: The author in text analyses the European Commission’s Proposal of Shareholders Rights Directive (hereinafter as: Directive 2007/36/EC) revision. A dynamic development of European company law demands amendment and improvement in existing legal frame. The proposal to revise the existing Directive 2007/36/EC has come as an answer to economy crisis in Europe. One main lesson of the crisis is that appropriate regulation and supervision of fi nancial sector is necessary to restore financial stability and confi dence in the markets. Directive 2007/36/EC and its proposed amendment are the fi rst and foremost instruments of company law, with improved corporate governance as their underlying policy objective. Company law, in the frame of European Union, is a field where obligations are imposed to the companies and their boards especially for protection of their members and other interested parties. Some of these obligations are considered as anachronism and non relevant. For this reason, the European Commission is constantly seeking for better solutions. In the proposal, the European Commission wants to give shareholders – and institutional investors in particular – a more transparent, easily managed and influential role in corporate governance. The Proposal focuses on shareholders, but we should bear in mind that other actors –employees, consumers and local communities – are also highly relevant. For companies to be well - run, there has to be a respect for and active engagement from all shareholders. Stimulating stronger shareholder engagement is one of several ways to do that. A set of measures proposed by the European Commission is a reasonable step in the right direction. In this context, this is an outline of the new legislation highlights.
Databáze: OpenAIRE