The Cooperation between Religious Education Teachers and Parish Priests Faced with the Challenge of Evangelisation in the Contemporary Culture

Autor: Valentina Mandarić
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Bogoslovska smotra
Volume 88
Issue 3
ISSN: 1848-9648
Popis: Članak je podijeljen u tri dijela. U uvodnom dijelu autorica uspoređuje/suprotstavlja dva konteksta djelovanja s kojima povezuje poslanje vjeroučitelja i župnika. Riječ je o školi i župi. Jedna i druga doživljavaju promjene koje su u dubokoj korelaciji s promjenama u društvu. U prvom poglavlju analizira se suradnja vjeroučitelja i župnika u kontekstu evangelizacije, osobito evangelizacije kulture. Autorica tematizira taj odnos polazeći od temeljnih čimbenika u pastoralu: župnika, katehete (župne kateheze) i vjeroučitelja (vjeronauk u školi), ističući osobito važnost nazočnosti vjeroučitelja u javnim školama. U drugom poglavlju autorica analizira djelovanje župnika i vjeroučitelja polazeći od promjena koje se događaju u suvremenom društvu i kulturi, a koje se duboko reflektiraju na religioznost i vjernički život. Tradicionalna župa postupno mijenja svoje lice i dobiva nove obrise. Suradnja škole i župe promatra se kroz prizmu teritorija koji dijele i koji im je zajednički. Iako škola i župa dijele isti teritorij, gledano iz pastoralne perspektive, moglo bi se u nekom smislu govoriti o školi kao prostoru »egzistencijalnih periferija«, o kojima govori papa Franjo. Župnik (župa) i vjeroučitelj (škola) pozvani su ići ususret svima koji su dio tih periferija. U trećem dijelu autorica, oslanjajući se na učiteljstvo zadnjih trojice papa (Ivan Pavao II., Benedikt XVI. i papa Franjo), kratko naznačuje doprinos školskog vjeronauka u evangelizaciji kulture. Na kraju članaka donosi se promišljanje o suradnji župnika i vjeroučitelja iz perspektive župnika.
The article is divided into three parts. In the introductory part the author compares/ confronts two contexts of activity that are related to the mission of religious education teachers and parish priests. These refer to the school and the parish. Both of these contexts are undergoing changes that are in deep correlation with changes in the society. In the first part the author analyses the cooperation between religious education teachers and parish priests in the context of evangelisation, especially the evangelisation of culture. The author discusses this relation, starting from fundamental factors in the pastoral field: parish priest, catechist (parish catechesis), and religious education teacher (religious education in school). She is especially stressing the importance of the presence of religious education teachers in public schools. The second part analyses activity of parish priests and religious education teachers, starting from changes that are taking place in the contemporary society and culture and that are reflected on religiosity and life of faith. The traditional parish is gradually changing its face and gaining new contours. The cooperation between the school and the parish is analysed through the prism of territory they share and hold in common. Although a school and a parish share the same territory, in the pastoral perspective, one could see the school as a place at the »existential periphery« that Pope Francis talks about. The parish priest (parish) and the religious education teacher (school) are called to meet all those who are a part of such peripheries. In the third part the author concisely sketches the contribution of school religious education in the evangelisation of culture by relying on the magisterium of the last three popes (John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis). At the end of the article she presents a reflection on the cooperation between the parish priest and the religious education teacher from the perspective of a parish priest.
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