Raščlamba pojavnosti lomova mobilnih proteza u odrasloj populaciji

Autor: Krešimir Guljaš, Josip Pandurić, Sonja Kraljević, Dubravka Knezović, Robert Ćelić, Tomislav Badel
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Acta stomatologica Croatica : International journal of oral sciences and dental medicine
Volume 32
Issue 1
ISSN: 1846-0410
Popis: Epidemiološka studija rađena temeljem ankete poslužila je za detekciju međusobnih odnosa lomova četiriju osnovnih tipova proteza:GTP, DTP, GPP i DPP. U analizi su upotrijebljeni različiti parametri:materijal izradbe, starost proteza, spol, vrsta štete, uzrok loma i antagonisti. Kod razvrstavanja oštećenih proteza u sva se četiri tipa proteza najviše pojavljuju lomovi baze proteze, 328 incidenta. Najviše GTP,151 slučaj od čega su 137 bili lomovi u središnjoj zoni, a kod 14 slučajeva bili su na ostalim mjestima baze proteze. Kod DTP 53 slučaja su lomovi u središnjoj zoni, a 7 je ostalih. Kod GPP od 74 slučaja loma baze 5 je bilo u središnjoj zoni, a 69 su nastali popravcima spojki i rubova. Kod DPP bilo je 48 slučaja loma baze. Lom zuba ustanovljen je se u 133 slučaja. Rezultati ankete pokazuju da znatno više l omova imaju gornje proteze, X1-X2=41,56%, i totalne X J-X2 = 19,36%. Izrazita je pojavnost lomova akrilatnih proteza u usporedbi s metalnim protezama X1- -X2=85,6%. Starost proteza i frekvencija žvakanja također pridonose lomovima. Najčešće su štete pucanje baze i lom zuba. Lomovi proteza su statističkim metodama 2x2 tablice i Hi kvadrat testom uspoređivani s rezultatima sličnog istraživanja u Engleskoj. Rezultati pokazuju da razmjeri lomova GTP i DTP u objema zemljama nisu statistički značajni, a pojavnost pucanja GPP i DPP u Engleskoj je znatno veća. Može se zaključiti da je, s obzirom na trajnost, konstrukcija s metalnom bazom bolje rješenje gdje god to omogućuju uvjeti ventilnoga ruba i retencije GTP.
An epidemiological study based on a survey was used to investigate the comparison o f fractures o f four main types of dentures: CUD, CLD, PUD, PLD. Various parameters were used in this analysis: type of material, age of the denture, sex o f the patient, type of damage, fracture cause and antagonists. In the classification o f damaged dentures the most frequent fractures are those of the denture base in all four types, with an incidence of 328. The largest incidence of 151 fractures was found on the CUD, out of which 137 were fractures in the central part, while elsewhere on the denture base in 14 other cases. The CLD had an incidence of 53 fractures in the central part and 7 elsewhere. The PUD had 74 fractures of the base, out of which 5 were fractures in the central part, and 69 were repairs o f bonding and edges. The incidence o f fractures on PLD was 48 cases. Tooth fractures were reported in 133 cases. The survey results show a significantly higher incidence of fractures on the upper dentures, X1-X2=41.56%, and complete ones X 1- X2=19.36%. The most frequent fractures were observed in the acrylic dentures as opposed to metal dentures X1-X2=85.6%. The age of the denture and the frequency of mastication increase the possibility of fracturing. The fracture o f the denture base as well as tooth fractures proved to be the most frequent damage. Denture fractures were compared with the results of similar research in England using statistic methods o f 2 x 2 tables and the Hi square test. Results show that the fractures o f CUD and CLD do not have any statistic importance, while the reported incidence of PUD and PLD fractures was much higher in England. It may be concluded that, taking into the consideration the long- term aspect, metal base constructions are a better choice whenever the conditions o f the ventil edge and the CUD retention allow it.
Databáze: OpenAIRE