Psihicki poremećaji i tjelesne bolesti

Autor: Igor Filipčić, Ivona Šimunović Filipčić
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Medicus
Volume 26
Issue 2 Psihijatrija danas
ISSN: 1848-8315
Popis: Pravodobno prepoznavanje i kvalitetno liječenje komorbiditetnih tjelesnih bolesti u psihijatrijskih bolesnika izazov su i cilj modernog i uspješnog liječenja te donose poboljšanje kvalitete života bolesnika i ukupnu uštedu zdravstvenom sustavu i društvu. Životni vijek psihijatrijskih bolesnika u odnosu prema općoj populaciji je 13 − 30 godina kraći. Razlog tomu jest velik broj prekasno prepoznatih i loše liječenih tjelesnih bolesti od kojih dominiraju metaboličke i kardiovaskularne koje uzrokuju loše životne navike (prehrana, pušenje, manjak kretanja i vježba) te same psihijatrijske bolesti. Posljedice za bolesnike sa psihijatrijskim i tjelesnim komorbiditetom mnogobrojne su te vode pogoršanju prognoze i ishoda liječenja obaju poremećaja. Neprepoznate ili prekasno dijagnosticirane tjelesne bolesti razlog su i do 60% preranih ili iznenadnih smrti, a multimorbiditeti su povezani s težom kliničkom slikom, većom učestalošću pogoršanja bolesti i terapijskom rezistencijom. Bolesnici koji boluju od shizofrenije ili velikoga depresivnog poremećaja imaju znatno povišen rizik od razvoja kardiovaskularne bolesti, metaboličkog sindroma, dijabetesa, bolesti dišnog sustava, raka i ostalih kroničnih tjelesnih bolesti. Visoki morbiditet, invaliditet, mortalitet te posljedično i visoki troškovi liječenja oboljelih od kroničnih psihičkih bolesti u komorbiditetu s tjelesnim bolestima razlog su pokretanja jedinstvenog programa CIP-a (Centra za integrativnu psihijatriju) u Psihijatrijskoj bolnici „Sveti Ivan“ i Republici Hrvatskoj s glavnim ciljem smanjenja smrtnosti i poboljšanja kvalitete života psihijatrijskih bolesnika.
Timely recognition and treatment of underlying physical conditions in psychiatric patients presents a challenge and is the goal of modern and successful treatment. It results in quality of life improvement of the individual patients and overall savings for the health care system and society. The life expectancy of psychiatric patients is reduced by 13 to 30 years compared to general population. This excess mortality is mainly due to late-diagnosed and poorly treated physical illness such as metabolic and cardiovascular disease (consequence of bad living habits; nutrition, smoking and lack of physical activity and exercise) as well as mental disorder. The consequences for patients with mental and somatic comorbidities are numerous and lead to worsening of prognosis and outcome of treatment. Unrecognized or late-diagnosis of underlying physical illness is the cause of up to 60% of premature or sudden deaths. Multimorbidities are associated with a more severe clinical picture, more frequent disease deterioration, as well as therapeutic resistance. Patients suffering from schizophrenia or major depressive disorder have a significantly higher risk of cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, respiratory disease, cancer and other chronic diseases. High morbidity, disability, mortality rates and consequently high costs of treatment of chronic mental disorders with underlying physical illness are the reasons for launching a unique CIP program (Integrative Psychiatric Centre) at the Psychiatric Hospital “Sveti Ivan” as well as accross Republic of Croatia with the main aim of reducing mortality and improving the quality of life of psychiatric patients.
Databáze: OpenAIRE