Contribution to Preserving the Memory of Nikola Zdenčaj

Autor: Zoran Homen
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Cris : Časopis Povijesnog društva Križevci
Volume V
Issue 1
ISSN: 1848-9621
Popis: Zbog mogućnosti da se izgubi svaki vidljivi spomen na ravenskog velikana Nikolu Zdenčaja, pokrenuta je inicijativa o preseljenju posmrtnih ostataka i obnovi nadgrobnog spomenika na novoj lokaciji u sklopu groblja u Malom Ravnu.
In order not to loose all visible traces of the great person of Nikola Zdencaj of Raven an innitiative has been made to move the remains and reconstruct the monument on a new location within the cemetery in Mali Raven. Along with an overview of the most important contributions of Nikola Zdencaj, the author gives a short description of the exhumation and the rennovation of the monument to the Zdencajs. This action is a great contribution to preserving the memory of the life and work of Nikola Zdencaj.
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