Grbovi plemstva ogulinskoga kraja

Autor: Enver Ljubović
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Modruški zbornik
Volume 4-5
Issue 4-5
ISSN: 1846-419X
Popis: Autor u prilogu donosi i opisuje nekoliko grbova plemićkih obitelji ogulinskoga kraja, te navodi podatke o podrijetlu tih obitelji. Ovaj rad je kratak prilog proučavanju i promišljanju ogulinskoga plemstva i njegova heraldičkoga znakovlja kroz različita povijesna razdoblja. Plemstvo je dio kulturne baštine i treba ga valorizirati kao dio nacionalnoga identiteta, a heraldičku građu označiti kao važno povijesno vrelo. Spomenički aspekt grbova i različitih ratničkih likova u njima, upućuju nas na socijalni i politički identitet te svakodnevnu borbu na razmatranim prostorima za obranu identiteta, koji je često bio ugrožen. Bečki dvor je do kraja 17. stoljeća redovito odlikovao neke ogulinske časničke obitelji koje su se istaknule u borbi s Osmanlijama, pa je tako kralj Leopold II. 1668. u Grazu izdao povelju u kojoj četvorici ogulinskih vojvoda potvrđuje plemstvo s pravom na grb i to: braći Vuku i Ivanu Puškariću, Mikuli Turkoviću i Ivanu Mesiću. Navedene vojvode promiče u plemićki stalež zbog iskazane hrabrosti u borbi protiv Osmanlija te im garantira pravo na imovinu koju su nasljedili. Kasnije su u austrijsko vojno plemstvo, uglavnom zbog vojnićkih zasluga, promaknuti: Kurelci, Juraići, Luketići, Magdići, Mihaljevići, Prebegi, Salopeki, Rebrovići (nepoznat grb) i Jurašići (nepoznata grbovnica). Zanimljiva je simbolika u grbovima plemića ovoga kraja, pa tako uglavnom dominiraju likovi životinja: lav, orao, grifon i konj, različito oružje (sablja krivošija, buzdovan, strijela, mač i puška) i obrambene kule (utvrde). Dosta čest lik su i nebeske pojave: sunce, polumjesec, zvijezda i zeleni trobrijeg te oklopljena ruka desnica i vojnik obučen u vojničku odoru.
The author presents and describes in the paper several coats of arms belonging to noble families from the area of Ogulin and gives information on the ancestry of these families. This paper is a short contribution to the research and examination of the Ogulin nobility and its heraldic insignia through various historical periods. Nobility forms part of cultural heritage and should be evaluated as part of the national identity. Heraldic material should therefore be defined as an important source of historical information. Monumental aspect of the coats of arms and various martial figures depicted on them suggest the social and political identity and an everyday struggle for the protection of identity in the frequently endangered area of Ogulin. Until the end of the 17th century, the Viennese authorities had regularly been awarding some of the Ogulin officers that gained prominence in the war against the Ottomans. In 1668 in Graz King Leopold II granted charters providing a nobility status and the coat of arms to four dukes from Ogulin, Vuk and Ivan Puškarić, Mikula Turković and Ivan Mesić, for their courage in the battles against the Ottomans. In addition to the nobility status, the charter guaranteed the dukes the right to enjoy their inherited estates. Some of the Ogulin officers in subsequent periods received the status of Austrian military nobility mostly due to military merit. They belonged to the following families: Kurelac, Juraić, Luketić, Magdić, Mihaljević, Prebeg, Salopek, Rebrović (unknown coat of arms) and Jurašić (unknown coat of arms certificate). It is interesting to note the elements on the coat of arms of the noblemen from the Ogulin area which show their symbolic message. Dominant is the number of coats of arms which show animals (lion, eagle, griffon and horse), weapons (scimitar, mace, arrow, sword and gun) and fortification. Frequent characters are also the sun, a crescent moon, a star, green three hills, an open fist of the right hand and a soldier dressed in a military uniform.
Databáze: OpenAIRE