Apokatastaza i predestinacija. Ontološke pretpostavke Origenove i Augustinove soteriologije

Autor: Aleksandar Đakovac
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Bogoslovska smotra
Volume 86
Issue 4
ISSN: 1848-9648
Popis: Augustin po vlastitu svjedočanstvu nije dobro poznavao Origenova djela. No to ne znači da su mu bile nepoznate Origenove ključne soteriološke pretpostavke, prije svega njegov nauk o apokatastazi. Iako Augustinov nauk o predestinaciji ima sasvim suprotne konzekvencije od Origenova nauka o apokatastazi, oba učenja dijele zajedničke ontološke pretpostavke na kojima počivaju, a koje se u ovome radu ispituju. Dok se Origenova kristologija često dovodila u pitanje, Augustinova se držala ispravnom. Međutim, i kod jednoga i kod drugoga autora prisutna je izvjesna marginalizacija kristologije na području ontološki shvaćene soteriologije. Njihovi teološki uvidi u značajnoj su mjeri utjecali na razvoj teologije i na Istoku i na Zapadu, zbog čega je njihov nauk i danas značajan, kako glede kršćanskog samorazumijevanja, tako glede ekumenskog dijaloga.
As Augustine himself testifies, he did not know Origen’s work so well. However, this does not mean that he was not acquainted with his key soteriological hypotheses, especially his teachings on apocatastasis. Although Augustine’s doctrine of predestination has completely opposite consequences in comparison to Origen’s teaching about apocatastasis, we believe that these teachings share the common ontological basis, which is the subject of this study. While Origen’s Christology is often called into question, Augustine’s Christology is considered correct. However, with both authors we find a certain marginalisation of Christology in the field of ontologically understood soteriology. Theological insights of these two authors influenced to a significant extent the development of theology of both the East and West, making their works significant up until today, both from the aspect of Christian self-understanding and from the aspect of ecumenical dialogue.
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