Comparative antidotal effects of diphenhydramine and atropine against dichlorvos-induced acute toxicosis in rats

Autor: Fouad Kasim Mohammad, Gada Abdul-Mune’m Faris, Mohammad Khalid Shindala
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Veterinarski arhiv
Volume 72
Issue 1
ISSN: 1331-8055
Popis: The antidotal effect of diphenhydramine against acute toxicosis induced by the organophosphorus insecticide dichlorvos in male rats was evaluated and compared with that of the standard antidote atropine. Dichlorvos at 45 mg/kg orally induced cholinergic toxicity in the rats with cholinesterase inhibition in the plasma (62%), erythrocytes (59%) and whole brain (37%) in comparison with the control group. Intraperitoneal administration of diphenhydramine or atropine at 20 mg/kg 5 minutes after the dichlorvos dosing significantly decreased the incidences of toxic manifestations and gradually decreased the severity of toxicosis during a 60-minute observation period. The antidotal effect of diphenhydramine appeared to be comparable with that of the atropine. However, addition of diazepam did not improve the antidotal efficacy of diphenhydramine. The reductions in blood and brain cholinesterase activities occurred in all the dichlorvos-treated rats regardless of antidotal therapy. The data indicate the antidotal efficacy of diphenhydramine against dichlorvos-induced poisoning in rats in a manner comparable with that of atropine.
Protuotrovni učinak difenhidramina protiv trovanja uzrokovanog diklorvosom u štakora uspoređen je sa standardnim djelovanjem atropina. Diklorvos u dozi 45 mg/kg primijenjen oralno uzrokovao je kolinergično trovanje u štakora inhibicijom kolinesteraze plazme (62%), funkcije eritrocita (59%) te inhibicijom funkcije mozga (37%) u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Intraperitonejska primjena difenhidramina ili atropina u dozi 20 mg/kg pet minuta nakon unošenja otrova znatno je smanjila toksični učinak i u tijeku 60 minuta postupno smanjivala opasnost od trovanja. Antidotni učinak difenhidramina u potpunosti je usporediv s djelovanjem atropina. Dodatna primjena diazepama nije sinergistički djelovala na učinak difenhidramina. Smanjenje aktivnosti kolinesteraze u krvi i mozgu uočeno je u svih životinja bez obzira na primjenu antidota.
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