Adhezivna svojstva dvaju sojeva Lactobacillus i fizikalno-kemijska svojstva njihovih biosurfaktanata

Autor: Bartosz Brzozowski, Włodzimierz Bednarski, Piotr Gołek
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Food Technology and Biotechnology
Volume 49
Issue 2
ISSN: 1334-2606
Popis: The aim of this study is to describe the adhesive capability of Lactobacillus fermenti 126 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus CCM 1825 as well as to isolate and evaluate the functional properties of their synthesized biosurfactants. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy shows that both crude biosurfactants contain three components: protein, polysaccharide and phosphate in different ratio. The crude biosurfactants synthesized by Lactobacillus fermenti 126 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus CCM 1825 contain 8 and 9 fractions analyzed by capillary gel electrophoresis. Lactobacillus fermenti 126 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus CCM 1825 strains used in this study synthesize biosurfactants with low effectiveness, critical micelle concentration of 9.0 and 6.0 g/L, and surface tension of (45.1±0.1) and (43.6±0.6) mN/m, respectively. Biosurfactant synthesized by Lactobacillus rhamnosus CCM 1825 demonstrated higher emulsifying and froth-forming activity than that obtained from Lactobacillus fermenti 126, which resulted in better antiadhesive properties. The advantageous adhesive properties of these Lactobacillus strains were confirmed. A positive effect of the impregnation of polystyrene surface with an aqueous solution of biosurfactants on the inhibition of adhesion of Escherichia coli 22, Klebsiella pneumoniae 2 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa W2 to the impregnated surface was found.
Svrha je rada bila opisati adhezivna svojstva bakterija Lactobacillus fermenti 126 i Lactobacillus rhamnosus CCM 1825 i iz njih izolirati biosurfaktante, te procijeniti njihova funkcionalna svojstva. Fourierovom transformiranom infracrvenom spektroskopijom utvrđeno je da se oba biosurfaktanta sastoje od tri komponente: protein, polisaharid i fosfat u različitim omjerima. Neobrađeni biosurfaktanti iz Lactobacillus fermenti 126 i Lactobacillus rhamnosus CCM 1825 imaju 8 i 9 frakcija, koje su analizirane kapilarnom gel-elektroforezom. Biosurfaktant iz Lactobacillus fermenti 126 ima malu učinkovitost, kritičnu micelarnu koncentraciju od 9,0 g/L i površinsku napetost od (45,1±0,1) mN/m. Biosurfaktant iz Lactobacillus rhamnosus CCM 1825 također ima malu učinkovitost, kritičnu micelarnu koncentraciju od 6,0 g/L i površinsku napetost od (43,6±0,6) mN/m. Ima bolja emulgirajuća svojstva i svojstva pjenjenja, stoga bolje inhibira adheziju patogenih bakterija. Oba su soja dobro prianjala na podlogu, a impregnacijom površine od polistirena vodenom otopinom biosurfaktanata spriječena je adhezija patogenih bakterija Escherichia coli 22, Klebsiella pneumoniae 2 i Pseudomonas aeruginosa W2 na podlogu.
Databáze: OpenAIRE