FT-IR spektroskopska analiza prapovijesne keramike iz Osora

Autor: Sara Močinić, Tea Zubin Ferri
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Histria archaeologica : Časopis Arheološkog muzeja Istre
Volume 44
Issue 44
ISSN: 1848-932X
Popis: U ovom radu predstavljamo rezultate analize kemijskog sastava prapovijesne keramike iz Osora metodom infracrvene spektroskopije s Fourierovom transformacijom (FT-IR). Infracrvena spektroskopija pokazala se vrlo korisnom za razvrstavanje velikog broja uzoraka prema sličnosti u kemijskom sastavu, što se kod arheološke keramike može koristiti za razlikovanje porijekla ulomaka slične izrade. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je otkriti može li infracrvena spektroskopija pomoći u relativnoj dataciji keramike. U tu su svrhu uzeti uzorci iskopani na tri različite dubine s lokaliteta Kaštel u Osoru. Odabrane su tri skupine od dvadeset međusobno vrlo različitih uzoraka, ne bi li se izbjegao utjecaj fakture i drugih strukturnih karakteristika keramike na konačan rezultat analize. Nakon provedbe spektroskopske analize uz pomoć dendrograma istražene su sličnosti ispitanih uzoraka. Osim usporedbe triju skupina analizirana je i svaka skupina posebno. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na činjenicu da nije prisutna uvozna keramika te da se na temelju njihovog sastava uzorci s dna iskopa i oni iz sredine jasno razlikuju, dok su uzorci s površine vjerojatno miješanog podrijetla.
In this paper we present the results of an analysis of the chemical composition of prehistoric pottery from Osor, obtained by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). Infrared spectroscopy has proven to be very useful in the classification of a large number of samples according to similarities in the chemical composition, which can be used on archaeological pottery in order to distinguish the origin of fragments of similar make. The scope of this study was to discover whether infrared spectroscopy can assist with the relative dating of pottery. With this in mind we took samples that were unearthed on three different depths on the site of “Kaštel” at Osor. We selected three groups of twenty mutually very different samples in order to avoid any influences caused by fabric and other structural characteristics of pottery, which may affect the end results of the analysis. After making the spectroscopic analysis with the help of a dendrogram, we explored the similarities of the samples tested. In addition to comparing the three groups, we likewise analyzed each group separately. The research results indicate an absence of imported pottery. And furthermore, based on their composition, the samples from the bottom of the excavation and those from the middle clearly differ, whereas those samples from the surface are probably of mixed origin.
Databáze: OpenAIRE