Identifikacija proteina i termostabilnih peptidnih markera u prerađenom mesu pomoću tripsina i mikrovalnog zračenja

Autor: Magdalena Montowska, Edward Pospiech
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Food Technology and Biotechnology
Volume 54
Issue 4
ISSN: 1334-2606
Popis: New approaches to rapid examination of proteins and peptides in complex food matrices are of great interest to the community of food scientists. The aim of the study is to examine the influence of microwave irradiation on the acceleration of enzymatic cleavage and enzymatic digestion of denatured proteins in cooked meat of five species (cattle, horse, pig, chicken and turkey) and processed meat products (coarsely minced, smoked, cooked and semi-dried sausages). Severe protein aggregation occurred not only in heated meat under harsh treatment at 190 °C but also in processed meat products. All the protein aggregates were thoroughly hydrolyzed aft er 1 h of trypsin treatment with short exposure times of 40 and 20 s to microwave irradiation at 138 and 303 W. There were much more missed cleavage sites observed in all microwave-assisted digestions. Despite the incompleteness of microwave-assisted digestion, six unique peptide markers were detected, which allowed unambiguous identification of processed meat derived from the examined species. Although the microwave-assisted tryptic digestion can serve as a tool for rapid and high-throughput protein identification, great caution and pre-evaluation of individual samples is recommended in protein quantitation.
Razvoj novih metoda brze identifikacije proteina i peptida u hrani od velike je važnosti za znanstvenike. Stoga je svrha ovoga rada bila ispitati utjecaj mikrovalnog zračenja na enzimsko cijepanje i razgradnju denaturiranih proteina u termički obrađenom goveđem, konjskom, svinjskom, pilećem i purećem mesu te mesnim prerađevinama (grubo mljevenim, dimljenim, kuhanim i polusuhim kobasicama). Utvrđeno je da je nakon termičke obrade pri 190 °C i prerade mesa došlo do prekomjerne agregacije proteina. Svi su proteinski agregati bili potpuno hidrolizirani nakon sat vremena obrade tripsinom te izlaganja mikrovalnom zračenju od 138 W tijekom 40 s i od 303 W tijekom 20 s. Nakon enzimske obrade uzoraka potpomognute mikrovalovima bilo je znatno više propuštenih mjesta cijepanja nego nakon konvencionalne obrade enzimima. Usprkos nepotpunoj razgradnji, pronađeno je šest jedinstvenih peptidnih markera, te je nedvojbeno identificirana vrsta prerađenog mesa. Iako se pomoću tripsina i mikrovalnog zračenja mogu brzo i precizno identificirati proteini u mesu, potrebno je s velikim oprezom ispitati pojedine uzorke prije kvantitativnog određivanja proteina.
Databáze: OpenAIRE