Marko Antun de Dominis - ekumenist u kontrover- zističkom vremenu

Autor: Dušan Moro
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Crkva u svijetu : Crkva u svijetu
Volume 48
Issue 1
ISSN: 1848-9656
Popis: Marko Antun de Dominis doista je preteča ekumenskog pokreta te dijaloške i istraživačke (doktrinarne) metode u nastojanju za jedinstvom kršćanskih crkava. Njegov teološki opus i njegovi spisi posebno dobivaju na vrijednosti stave li se u kontekst početka 17. stoljeća, u vrijeme tzv. kontroverzističke teologije i kontroverzističkog pristupa problemu raskola u Crkvi. On nastoji raditi oko jedinstva Crkve Kristove, posebice između Rimokatoličke i Anglikanske crkve. Uspoređujući njegove misli i neke ideje s naukom Drugoga vatikanskog sabora, nazire se određena sličnost, pa čak i podudarnost nekih ideja i nauka. Posebno se to odnosi na kolegijalitet biskupskog zbora i zajedničke odgovornosti za opću Crkvu te upravljanje Crkvom in solidum. I u tome je njegova vrijednost te i zato zaslužuje našu pozornost, a njegov život i djelo daljnje proučavanje i valoriziranje.
Marko Antun de Dominis is indeed the “forerunner” of the Ecumenical Movement and of the dialogue and research (doctrinal) method in his desire for unity among Christian Churches. This especially increases in value if his theological opus and his writings are placed in the context of the beginning of 17th century and in the period of so called controversial theology and controversial approaches to the issue of schism in the Church. He makes great efforts towards the unity of Christ’s Church, especially between the Roman Catholic and Anglican Church. Comparing his thoughts and some ideas with the teaching of the Second Vatican council, a certain similarity and even concordance of some ideas and teachings can be discerned. This particularly refers to collegiality of the College of Bishops and common responsibility for the Universal Church, as well as to governing the Church in solidum. In this lies his merit and for this he deserves our attention and further research and evaluation of his life and work.
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