The Application of Moodle in the Didactic of Teaching Art

Autor: Dubravka Kuščević, Suzana Tomaš, Ivana Mornar
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu
Issue 6-7
ISSN: 2459-5128
Popis: U današnje vrijeme upotreba informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije (ICT, engl. Information and Communications Technology) zastupljena je u svim životnim područjima pa je iz tog razloga nezaobilazna i u nastavom procesu. Stoga je ICT i kvalitetna podrška nastavnicima u realizaciji nastavnog procesa, što predstavlja novu paradigmu stjecanja znanja studenata u 21. stoljeću. Razvoj ICT-a uz primjenu pedagogijskih načela omogućio je nastanak nove obrazovne paradigme − e-učenja. E-učenje implementira se u sustavima e-učenja, a uz dobro oblikovan i isporučen nastavni sadržaj pruža mogućnosti i mrežnog i hibridnog scenarija učenja, poučavanja i testiranja znanja studenata. U ovom radu prikazane su mogućnosti primjene sustava e-učenja u visokoškolskom obrazovanju. Na uzorku od 80 studentica 3., 4. i 5. godine Filozofskog fakulteta Učiteljskog studija u Splitu ispitivalo se mišljenje o kvaliteti oblikovanih nastavnih sadržaja kolegija Metodika nastave likovne kulture na sustavu Moodle. Analizom dobivenih rezultata utvrđeno je da su nastavni sadržaji oblikovani na kvalitetan, jednostavan i poučan način te da kao takvi uvelike pridonose procesu učenja, poučavanja i testiranja znanja studentica. Prema mišljenju studentica utvrđeno je da se nastavni sadržaji kolegija Metodika nastave likovne kulture mogu oblikovati, razvijati i implementirati u nastavni proces pomoću sustava Moodle.
The use of Information and communication technology (ICT) is present in all areas of life and, for this reason, it is inevitable in teaching processes. ICT is also used for the quality support of teachers in the implementation of teaching processes as a new paradigm of student learning in the 21st century. The development of ICT, with the application of educational principles, has enabled the construction of a new educational paradigm − e-learning. E-learning is implemented in the e-learning system and, with a well designed and delivered course, provides opportunities for online and hybrid learning, teaching and testing students' knowledge. In this thesis, different models of using ICT application in tertiary education are shown. On a sample of 80 female students (3rd, 4th and 5th year of studies at the University of Split, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Primary Education), their opinion concerning the quality of the educational activities in the course Didactic of Teaching Art was examined using the Moodle system. The analysis of the given results has shown that the educational activities are done in a quality, simple and instructive way and, as such, contribute to the process of learning, teaching and testing students' knowledge. In students' opinion the educational activities in the course Didactic of Teaching Art can be shaped, developed and implemented in the teaching process using the Moodle system.
Databáze: OpenAIRE