Autor: | Marko Pranjić |
Jazyk: | chorvatština |
Rok vydání: | 2009 |
Předmět: |
paideia (rearing of a child)
trofe (service as wet-nurse) ethos (custom) arete (exellence) nomos (that which is in abitual practice) logos (low – rule of conduct) politeia (citizen rights) idea (semblance glory (klea) prudence (sofrosine) Homer paideia trofe ethos arete nomos logo politeia idea klea sofrosine |
Zdroj: | Odgojne znanosti Volume 11 Issue 1(17) |
ISSN: | 1846-1204 |
Popis: | Odgoj kao središnji pojam i najeminentniji sadržaj istraživanja odgojnih znanosti bio je razlogom mnogim istraživačima za duboko posezanje u prošlost. To je i u ovom slučaju kad se istražuju početci odgojnih sadržaja prije nego što je stvoren sam pojam odgoja i to u prvom reprezentativnom književnom djelu zapadnoeuropske civilizacije, onom koje se pripisuje Homeru – Ilijadi i Odiseji, da bi se potom naznačio njegov utjecaj na naknadnu grčku misao i tzv. „heliocentrički krug kultura“, onaj zapadnoeuropski u sklopu kojeg je i hrvatska odgojna tradicija. Istraživanje se koncentrira na prvotnu grčku kulturno-odgojnu formu (paideia) te ono što je bio njezin bitni sadržaj: uzgoj (trofe), običaj (ethos), vrlina (arete), sveopći red (nomos), duhovni zakon (logos), političnost (politeia), ideal (idea), slava (klea), razboritost (sofrosine). Ukratko, istraživanje se bavi genezom ključnih pedagoških sadržaja i njihova osnovnoga značenja u vrijeme starogrčke antike, tj. u Homerovu opusu, primjenjujući dijakroni metodički postupak kako bi se stvorilo platformu za njihovo daljnje proučavanje u kasnijim grčkim antičkim književnim djelima poput Hesioda, Eshila, Euripida, Aristofana i Tukidida, a potom prešlo na razmatranje odgojnog pojmovlja i njegova sadržaja u vrijeme velikih grčkih odgajatelja i odgojnih sustava poput Sokrata, Platona, Isokrata, Ksenofonta i Demostena. Sve bi trebalo poslužiti kao okvir i platforma daljnjeg proučavanja pedagoških misli i odgojne prakse u rimsko i ranokršćansko vrijeme, a onda i u krugu pojedinih zapadnoeuropskih etničkih skupina (franačko-germanske, anglosaksonske i slavenske) po načelima sinkronog metodičkog postupka. Education as a central term and the most eminent content of the educational science researches was the reason that many scholars snatched deep for the past. It occurs in the case when the beginnings of the educational contents are being investigated before the very creation of the term of education in the first representative literary work of the West European civilization, the one assigned to Homer –Iliad and Odyssey, to emphasize its influence on supplemental Greek thought and on i.e. ‘heliocentric culture circle’, the west European one that includes Croatian educational tradition. The research is founded on initiative Greek culture-educational form paideia – rearing of a child and on its crucial content: service as wet-nurse (trofe), custom (ethos), exellence (arete), that which is in habitual practice (nomos), low – rule of conduct (logos), citizen rights (politeia), idea semblance (idea), glory (klea), prudence (sofrosine). In a nutshell, the research deals with genesis of the key pedagogical terms and their basic meaning in the times of the Early Greek Antique, i.e. in Homer’s works, applying diachronic methodical procedure in order to create platform for the further studies of in Late Greek Antique literary works as Hesiod, Aeschylus, Euripides, Aristophanes and Thucydides, and later pass onto the consideration of the educational terms and their contents in the times of the great Greek educators and the educational systems as Socrates, Plato, Isocrates, Xenophon and Demosthenes. This should serve as the frame and the platform for the further studies of the pedagogical thoughts and the educational practice in Roman and Early Christianity Times, and afterwards in the circle of certain West European ethnic groups (Frank- German, Anglo-Saxon and Slavic) according to the principles of synchronic methodical procedure. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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