Pasivni integrirani radioodašiljači za markiranje vrtnog puha Eliomys quercinus

Autor: Sandro Bertolino, Italo Currado
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Natura Croatica : Periodicum Musei Historiae Naturalis Croatici
Volume 6
Issue 2
ISSN: 1848-7386
Popis: In our field study on the ecology of Eliomys quercinus we marked the animals with Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tags. Animals were captured in a larch woodland at 1600 m of altitude, inside the Val Troncea Natural Park (Piedmont region, Turin district). Garden dormice were trapped using 144 Sherman live traps, from May to September, during 1995-96. A total of 44 animals was marked. The high number of first recaptures occurred one or two nights after the implanting of the PIT tags and allows us to think that the animals did not modify their behaviour for the marking experience.
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