Oral Lichen Ruber (OLR) Epidemiology and Clinical Findings in 143 Cases

Autor: Berislav Topić, Ana Cekić-Arambašin, Savka Malčić
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Acta stomatologica Croatica : International journal of oral sciences and dental medicine
Volume 30
Issue 2
ISSN: 1846-0410
Popis: All cases of OLR during a period o f five years in the Department of Oral Pathology are analyzed. The aim o f this study was. - to present epidemiological and clinical findings of OLR - to determine if Grinspan syndrome exist and if so in what percentage. OLR affected women more frequently (72.3%) then men (27.7%), and after the age of 40 OLR is more frequent. The ratio of lichen ruber planus and erosivus was 68.5% : 31.5%. DM is present in 16.1%, hypertension in 30.1%, Grinspan syndrome in 4.2% cases. All the six cases o f Grinspan syndrome had the erosive form of lichen. There is also significant correlation o f OLR with gastrointestinal disease (85.3%), where, gastritis and hepathobiliar diseases prevail.
Sažetak Elaborirani su svi slučajevi OLR za vrijeme od pet godina za Zavodu za Oralnu patologiju Stomatološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Svrha rada bila je utvrditi - epidemiologiju i klinički nalaz OLR i - nastajanje Grinspan sindroma i ako postoji u kojem postotku je prisutan. OLR aficira češće zene (72.3%) nego muškarce (27.7%), poslije 40 godina starosti je češći. Lichen ruber planus i lichen ruber erozivus bili su u omjeru 68.5% : 31,5%. DM je prisutan u 16.1% hipertenzija u 30.1%, Grinspan sindrom u 4.2% slučajeva. Svih 6 slučajeva Grinspan sindroma imali su erozivnu formu. Značajna je povezanost OLR sa gastrointestinalnim bolestima (85.3%) gdje preveliraju gastritis i hepatobilijarne bolesti.
Databáze: OpenAIRE