Holocene sedimentation in the Soline Channel (Mljet Lakes, Adriatic Sea)

Autor: D. P. Govorčin, M. Juračić, N. Horvatinčić, V. Onofri
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Natura Croatica : Periodicum Musei Historiae Naturalis Croatici
Volume 10
Issue 4
ISSN: 1848-7386
Popis: A 103 cm long core from the Soline Channel (Mljet Island, Adriatic Sea), which is at present a surface connection between the peculiar marine Mljet Lakes and the open sea, indicates substantial changes of the sedimentary environment in the Holocene. In the layer dated to 4,600 B.P., 25–30 cm below the bottom (which is at 2.8 m depth), freshwater algae represented by species of Chara/Nitella were found along with the gastropod Limnea stagnalis. This dominantly brackish sediment extends from 10 to 60 cm below the bottom. Above that interval marine sediment was found and below it quartz dominated the subareal or freshwater sediment. This indicates that the surface marine connection between Mljet Lakes and the sea was established after deposition of freshwater/brackish sediments i.e. not earlier than ca. 4 kyr B.P.
Jezgra dugačka 103 cm izvađena iz kanala Soline (otok Mljet, Jadransko more), koji je danas površinska veza između jedinstvenih morskih Mljetskih jezera i otvorenog mora, ukazuje na bitne promijene taložnog okoliša u holocenu. U sloju čija je starost procijenjena na 4,600 godina, 25–30 cm ispod dna (koje se nalazi na dubini od 2.8 m), nađene su slatkovodne alge iz roda Chara/Nitella zajedno s puževima Limmnea stagnalis. Ti pretežno bočati sedimenti protežu se od 10 do 60 cm ispod dna. Iznad njih nalaze se marinski sedimenti a ispod kopneni ili slatkovodni sedimenti. To ukazuje da je površinska veza morem između Mljetskih jezera i otvorenog mora uspostavljena nakon taloženja slatkovodnih/bočatih sedimenata tj. ne prije oko 4 tisuće godina.
Databáze: OpenAIRE