Postoji li povezanost između stupnja motoričkog poremećaja i kvalitete obiteljskog života kod žena?

Autor: Tatjana Tarandek
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja
Volume 44
Issue 2
ISSN: 1848-7734
Popis: Cilj istraživanja je ispitivanje položaja žena s tjelesnim invaliditetom s aspekta obiteljskog života. U skladu s ciljem istraživanja, defi niran je osnovni problem istraživanja - utvrðivanje relacija izmeðu stupnja motorickih poremecaja i kvalitete obiteljskog života kod žena. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom 2003. god. na prigodnom uzorku od 140 žena s motorickim poremecajem razlicitih stupnjeva oštecenja, kronološke dobi od 18 do 60 godina, iz razlicitih dijelova Hrvatske. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja ispitanice su prema vrsti motorickog oštecenja svrstane u tri skupine: ispitanice s cerebralnom paralizom, ispitanice koje boluju od neuromišicnih bolesti te ispitanice s ostalim motorickim poremecajima (amputacije, politraume mozga, spinalne ozljede, multipla skleroza). Na spomenutom uzorku primijenjen je upitnik “Položaj žena s invaliditetom u Hrvatskoj” koji je konstruiran po uzoru na upitnik “Položaj žena invalida u Mađarskoj danas u 21. stoljecu”. Na osnovi provedenog istraživanja na prigodnom uzorku ispitanika utvrdilo se da postoji povezanost između stupnja motorickog oštecenja i kvalitete obiteljskog života. Istraživanje ce imati prakticnu primjenu u stvaranju strategija za novi globalni model prilagođen osobama s invaliditetom u svrhu vođenja neovisnog življenja odnosno promociju aktivnog sudjelovanja u društvo.
The subject of the research is based on fundamental difficulties encountered by women with physical disability: loneliness and isolation, rejection by society, inadequate and non-stimulating job opportunities, lack of information among general public about problems and needs of disabled persons, poor social integration. In accord with the subject of the research, main research aim has been defined – establishing a relationship between the degree of coordination disorder and quality of family life in the lives of disabled women. The research was carried out during 2003 and was based on an appropriate sample of 140 women aged 18 to 60, from different parts of Croatia, suffering from various stages of coordination disorder. For the purpose of this research the respodents were classified into three groups according to different kinds of coordination disorders: respondents with cerebral paralysis, those suffering from neuromuscular diseases, as well as the respodents with other coordination disorders (amputation, cerebral multi-trauma, spinal injuries, multiple scleroses). The questionnaire used in the research, titled “ Status of disabled women in Croatia” is based on the questionnaire “Status of disabled women in Hungary today – in the 21 st century”. The research used factor analysis under component model and discriminative analysis. Based on the research on a suitable sample of respodents it has been concluded that there is a correlation between the degree of coordination disorder and quality of family life in lives of disabled women as there is statistically significant difference. The research will have practical uses un forming strategies for a new global model adapted for disabled persons with purpose to enable them to lead the independent lives and to promote their active integration into society.
Databáze: OpenAIRE