Neke metode za razvoj kritičkog mišljenja učenika po ERR sustavu
Autor: | Željka Bjelanović Dijanić |
Jazyk: | chorvatština |
Rok vydání: | 2012 |
Předmět: | |
Zdroj: | Metodički ogledi : časopis za filozofiju odgoja Volume 19 Issue 1 |
ISSN: | 1848-2325 0353-765X |
Popis: | U ovom radu govori se o vrlo važnoj sastavnici kurikulumskog sustava, o uvjetima učenja s posebnim naglaskom na nastavne strategije i metode poučavanja. Dan je pregled sistematizacije nastavnih strategija i metoda prema našim i stranim autorima. Tom popisu metoda dodane su i neke nove metode koje je autorica usvojila kroz program "Čitanje i pisanje za kritičko mišljenje" te ih uspješno primjenjuje u nastavi matematike i informatike. Navodi se i nekoliko konkretnih primjera implementacije tih metoda u nastavi što se potkrjepljuje učeničkim radovima. Opisuje se pojam kritičkog mišljenja kao obrazovnog ideala koji zauzima sve veću ulogu u nastavnoj praksi većine zemalja te se nudi jedan od modela poticanja razvoja kritičkog mišljenja kod učenika kroz tri etape nastavnog procesa: evokaciju, razumijevanje značenja i refleksiju uz naglasak na aktivno učenje. Međutim, isto tako postavlja se pitanje u kojoj mjeri metode navedene u radu doista potiču kritičko mišljenje kod učenika te jesu li nastavnici u Hrvatskoj osposobljeni da to i provedu. This article talks about very important component of the curriculum system, about conditions of teaching with a special accent on teaching strategies and teaching methods. A review of teaching strategies and teaching methods by Croatian and foreign authors is given here. This list of methods is enriched with some new methods, which the author herself has learnt through the program called "Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking", and she has already applied them successfully in teaching mathematics and information science. The author shows a few examples how to implement these methods in teaching and she gives some pupils’ works as well to prove it. The term of critical thinking as an educational ideal is being described, the one that started to play an important role in teaching practice in the majority of countries. Author gives one model how to foster the development of students’ critical thinking through three parts of the teaching process: evocation, realization of meaning and reflection with an accent on active learning. However, there is the question of extent in which methods above mentioned really foster students’ critical thinking and if the teachers in Croatia are trained enough to do it. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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