Russia in the Era of Peter the Great

Autor: Šimić, Vedrana
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Rostra : Časopis studenata povijesti Sveučilišta u Zadru
Volume 13
Issue 13
ISSN: 2459-7716
Popis: U ovom radu govorit će se o jednom veoma važnom periodu u ruskoj državi, koji je u povijesti ostao upamćen po vladaru koji je ostavio nemjerljivo značenje, ne samo na području Rusije, već i u ostatku svijeta. Riječ je o Petru Velikom. Osim što je imao priliku da živi u isto vrijeme kada su Europom vladali veliki i značajni vladari, on je uspio ostvariti svoje ciljeve provedbom značajnih reformi. S obzirom da su iste prihvaćene od strane puka, prozvan je „Velikim“. Cilj ovog rada jeste prikazati kakvo je stanje bilo u Rusiji neposredno prije dolaska na vlast Petra Velikog, zatim koji su važni događaji obilježili njegovu vladavinu, ali i život, te kakvu promjenu Rusija doživljava u odnosu na Zapad kroz njegovu vladavinu. U samom radu naglasak će biti na biografskom pristupu i političkoj povijesti. Rad je podijeljen u pet poglavlja. U prvom poglavlju prikazan je život Petra Velikog, počevši s njegovim djetinjstvom i početnim godinama njegove vladavine. Drugo poglavlje govori o početcima modernizacije ruske države tj. o napuštanju tradicije koja je obilježila postojanje Ruskog Carstva u vremenu prije vladavine Petra Velikog. U trećem poglavlju opisano je stanje nereda, koje su izazvale reforme i rat. Razdoblje obnove opisano je u četvrtom poglavlju, te se u njemu Petar javlja kao prosvijećeni vladar, dok je peto poglavlje posvećeno posljednjim trenutcima njegove vladavine, a i života.
This paper will discuss a very important period of the Russian state, a period that remained known for the ruler who left an immense impact in Russia, as well as in the rest of the world. This ruler is Peter the Great. Except for the occasion to live at the time when Europe was ruled by great and important rulers, he succeeded in accomplishing his goals by implementing significant reforms. Since common people have accepted those reforms, he adopted the nickname ,,Great’’. The aim of this paper was to show the conditions of Russia just before Peter the Great’s coming to the throne. Furthermore, the aim was to show which were the important events that have marked his reign, as well as his life, and lastly, to show the transformation of Russia in relation to the West throughout the reign of Peter the Great. This paper will put in focus the biographical approach and the political history. The paper is segmented in five chapters. The first chapter depicts the life of Peter the Great, starting with his childhood and the beginning years of his reign. The second chapter discusses the beginnings of modernization of the Russian state, i.e. the abandonment of the tradition that has marked the existence of the Russian Empire before the reign of Peter the Great. In the third chapter, the state of disorder is described, which ultimately lead to reforms and to a war. The restoration period is covered in the chapter four, in this period Peter the Great arrives as an enlightened ruler, while the fifth chapter is dedicated to the last moments of his reign and his life.
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