Laburnum anagyroides Med. — prirodni domaćin X virusa krumpira

Autor: Nada Pleše, Mercedes Wrischer
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1986
Zdroj: Acta Botanica Croatica
Volume 45
Issue 1
ISSN: 1847-8476
Popis: Potato virus X has been isolated from the ornamental shrub Laburnum anagyroides Med. with mosaic symptoms of the leaves, growing in an uncultivated park in Zagreb. The virus has been identified on the basis of host range reactions, appearance of characteristic ultrastructural changes in cells of infected test plants and positive serological test. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the second report on potato virus X infection of a woody plant.
Iz ukrasnog grma Laburnum anagyroides s mozaičnim simptomima na listovima izdvojen je X virus krumpira (potato virus X). Grm je potjecao iz jednog neuređenog parka na području Zagreba. Virus je identificiran na osnovi simptoma na pokusnim biljkama, pojavi karakterističnih ultrastrukturnih promjena u stanicama pokusnih domaćina i pozitivnog serološkog testa. Koliko nam je poznato, taj rad predstavlja drugi izvještaj o nalazu X virusa krumpira u drvenastom domaćinu.
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