Uključenost osoba s invaliditetom u zajednicu

Autor: Ivan Leutar, Tanja Penava, Nedjeljko Marković
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Socijalne teme : Časopis za pitanja socijalnog rada i srodnih znanosti
Volume 1
Issue 1
ISSN: 2303-6923
Popis: Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati uključenost osoba s invaliditetom u zajednicu te analizirati povezanost sociodemografskih obilježja sudionika i njihovih funkcionalnih sposobnosti s uključenošću u zajednicu. Istraživanje je provedeno u okviru projekta “Socijalni položaj osoba s invaliditetom u Hrvatskoj” koje je provelo Ministarstvo obitelji, branitelja i međugeneracijske solidarnosti u suradnji s Pravnim fakultetom u Zagrebu. Istraživanje je provedeno 2009. godine na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske na 689 osoba. Za potrebe ovog rada podaci su ponderirani i u konačni uzorak za analizu je ušao 391 sudionik. Kao mjerni instrument korištena je Skala uključenosti u zajednicu konstruirana za ovo istraživanje. Provjera metrijskih karakteristika subskala izvršena je faktorskom analizom. Skala uključenosti u zajednicu dala je 7 subskala: korištenje moderne tehnologije i stručne literature, informiranost i sveobuhvatna aktivnost u lokalnoj zajednici, čitanje tiska (dnevnika, tjednika i mjesečnika), dobrosusjedska pomoć, neformalna druženja u lokalnoj zajednici, samozastupanje osoba s invaliditetom i korištenje slobodnog vremena. Rezultati su pokazali da su osobe s invaliditetom nedovoljno uključene u život zajednice. Funkcionalne sposobnosti visoko koreliraju s uključenošću osoba s invaliditetom u život zajednice. Sociodemografska obilježja su se pokazala statistički značajnima s obzirom na uključenost u zajednicu. Obrazovanje, zapošljavanje, materijalne prilike i zadovoljstvo životom su vrlo bitne komponente za uključivanje osoba s invaliditetom u zajednicu.
The purpose of this paper was to examine the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the community and to analyse the connection between socio-demographic characteristics of the participants and their functional abilities with the inclusion in the community. The research was carried out as a part of the project “Social position of persons with disabilities in Croatia”, which was carried out by The Ministry of the Family, Veterans’ Affairs and Intergenerational Solidarity in cooperation with the Faculty of Law in Zagreb. The research was carried out in 2009 on the territory of the Republic of Croatia on a sample of 689 people. For the purpose of this paper the data were pondered and 391 participant was included in the final sample for analysis. The inclusion in the community scale which was constructed for this research was used as a measuring instrument. The control of metrical characteristics of the subscales was done by factor analysis. The inclusion scale was made of 7 subscales: the usage of modern technology and scientific literature, the level of information and overall activity in the local community, press reading (daily, weekly and monthly), good neighbourly help, informal company in the local community, self-representation of persons with disabilities and the use of leisure time. The results indicated that persons with disabilities were insufficiently involved in the community life. Functional abilities highly correlated with the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the community life. Socio-demographic features appeared statistically significant in relation to the inclusion in the community. Education, employment, material circumstances and life satisfaction were very important components for inclusion of persons with disabilities in the community.
Databáze: OpenAIRE