Autor: Jekabsone, Inga, Sloka, Biruta, Grantins, Ansis
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Ekonomska misao i praksa
Volume 26
Issue 2
ISSN: 1848-963X
Popis: An accompanying administrative territory or satellite/ new town is a concept in urban planning that usually is applied to the territories that surrounds large cities. In many cases, the population of these territories is increasing as well as economic growth – for the municipalities these factors are challenging in terms of management. In addition, the level of citizens’ engagement in decision-making process in municipality often is relatively low. This aspect also should be taken into account to improve the management of these municipalities. The aim of the paper is to present a possible management model for the accompanying administrative territories of Riga based on the case study provided in one of the accompanying administrative territory of Riga (Salaspils). Main results and conclusions of the paper: during the study, 25 accompanying administrative territories of Riga were identified. Based on case study of one of the accompanying administrative territory of Riga – Salaspils municipality – recommendations regarding successful management of accompanying administrative territories of the metropolitan were provided. These recommendations refer to engagement of citizens in decision-making processes in municipality that is crucial in order to ensure the well-being of society.
Prateći administrativni teritorij ili satelitski/novi grad koncept je urbanog planiranja koji se obično primjenjuje na teritorij koji okružuje velike gradove. Većinom je stanovništvo i gospodarstvo tih područja u porastu – za općine su ovi čimbenici izazov u smislu upravljanja. Osim toga, često je relativno slaba razina uključenosti građana u proces odlučivanja. Taj bi aspekt trebalo uzeti u obzir za bolje upravljanje ovakvim općinama. Cilj je rada prezentirati mogući model upravljanja pratećim administrativnim teritorijima Rige na temelju studije slučaja na jednom od pratećih riških teritorija (Salaspils). Glavni rezultati i zaključci rada: tijekom istraživanja identificirano je 25 pratećih administrativnih teritorija Rige. Na temelju studije slučaja – Općina Salaspils – donose se preporuke za uspješno upravljanje pratećim administrativnim teritorijima grada. One se odnose na uključivanje građana u odlučivanje u Općini, što je presudno za ostvarenje blagostanja društva.
Databáze: OpenAIRE