Autor: Anita Silvana Ilak Peršurić, Linda Juraković
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Agronomski glasnik : Glasilo Hrvatskog agronomskog društva
Volume 68
Issue 3
ISSN: 1848-8900
Popis: U radu se govori o programima razvoja maslinarstva na državnoj i županijskoj razini, te o proizvodnim i marketinškim aspektima maslinova ulja. U središtu pozornosti su obiteljska poljoprivredna gospodarstva (OPG), nositelji poljoprivrednih aktivnosti i proizvodnje maslinovog ulja u Istarskoj županiji. Razjašnjena su ograničenja proizvodnih kapaciteta i organizacijske manjkavosti OPG-a koje posredno utječu na marketinške mogućnosti. Utvrđena je proizvođačka cijena maslina, izračunata prodajna cijena maslinovog ulja te moguće marketinške aktivnosti koje bi OPG mogla koristiti. Polazna pretpostavka je da cijena maslina kao sirovine i rinfuznog ulja je konkurentna i da ima kupca. Proizvodni aspekt OPG-a su male površine pa stoga i mala količina ulja za trženje. Zato su za većinu OPG-a troškovi marketinga (oprema boce, oznaka geografskog porijekla, promocije na tržištu i druge marketinške aktivnosti) preveliki za samostalno trženje ulja pod vlastitom robnom markom. Marketinške aktivnosti za OPG treba organizirati skupno, bilo na razini županije ili šire, a imidž maslinova ulja temeljiti na obilježjima zdravog, prirodnog proizvoda s oznakom geografskog porijekla.
This paper deals with programs of olive growing development on the state and county level, and with production and marketing of olive oil. The focus is on family farms, the basic carriers of agricultural activities and olive oil production in Istria county. Limitations of production capacity and organizational weaknesses of family farms were explained because they indirectly affect marketing possibilities. Calculations of olive production price and olive oil price were done and costs of possible marketing activities which could be useful to family farms. The starting hypothesis is that the prices of olives and olive oil in bulk are competitive and there are consumers to sell. Production aspects of family farms are small areas and therefore a small scale marketable production. For most family farms marketing costs (bottle equipment, marking geographic origin, marketing promotion and other marketing activities) are too high for individual olive oil marketing under one's own brand. Marketing activities should be organized for a group of family farms, either on the county level or wider, while the image of olive oil should remain as a natural, healthy product with geographic origin.
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