Joint Investigation Teams: Concept and Analysis of Multilateral Investigation and Evidence Collection in the European Union

Autor: Zoran Vinković
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Hrvatski ljetopis za kaznene znanosti i praksu
Volume 27
Issue 2
ISSN: 2670-9996
Popis: U radu se na sveobuhvatan način razmatraju zajednički istražni timovi kao oruđa pravosudne suradnje u kaznenim predmetima za prikupljanje dokaza i mehanizma olakšavanja provođenja istrage predviđenog za podizanje unutarnje sigurnosti u Europskoj uniji i bolje suradnje s trećim državama. Najprije se promatra aktualni legislativni okvir kao temelj za formiranje zajedničkog istražnog tima. Potom se proučavaju različiti faktori koji utječu na formiranje i rad zajedničkog istražnog tima, među kojima se posebno ističu utjecaj država članica, važnost međusobnog povjerenja sudionika te uloga Eurojusta u formiranju i radu timova. Nakon toga slijedi analiza uporabe instituta, uz evaluaciju dostupnih statističkih podataka koji pokazuju trend rasta popularnosti zajedničkih istražnih timova. Naposljetku se kritički promatra stanje u Republici Hrvatskoj te na podlozi istraženih komparativnih iskustava sintetiziraju konkretna rješenja i daju prijedlozi za bolje razumijevanje, a posljedično i češće korištenje tog instituta u praksi.
This paper comprehensively considers joint investigation teams as a tool for judicial cooperation in criminal matters to gather evidence and as a mechanism to facilitate investigation envisaged to enhance internal security in the European Union and for better cooperation with third countries. First, the current legislative framework is viewed as a basis for forming a joint investigation team. The various factors infl uencing the formation and operation of the JIT are then examined, including the infl uence of Member States, the importance of mutual trust between participants and the role of EUROJUST and EUROPOL in the formation and operation of teams. This is followed by an analysis of the use of the institute, with an evaluation of available statistics showing the increasing popularity of joint investigation teams. Finally, the situation in the Republic of Croatia is critically observed, and, on the basis of the researched comparative experiences, concrete solutions are synthesised and suggestions made for a better understanding and, consequently, for the more frequent use of this institute in practice.
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