Uloga liječnika obiteljske medicine u dijagnosticiranju i liječenju alergijskih bolesti dišnog sustava

Autor: Biserka Bergman Marković
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Medicus
Volume 20
Issue 2_Alergije
ISSN: 1848-8315
Popis: Alergijske bolesti dišnih putova sve su učestalije, broj oboljelih sve je veći pa zato čine značajan dio rada liječnika obiteljske medicine (LOM-a). LOM ima vrlo važno mjesto u prepoznavanju i pravodobnom dijagnosticiranju ovih bolesti, kreiranju dijagnostičkog postupka i redovitoj kontroli. U zbrinjavanju ovih bolesti osobito je važna suradnja LOM-a i bolesnika te trajna edukacija i poticanje u mjerama samokontrole. Danas su ciljevi u liječenju alergijskih bolesti dišnih putova postavljeni vrlo visoko. S obzirom na vrlo dobre farmakoterapijske mogućnosti želi se postići pun i kvalitetan život bez simptoma bolesti. U većine bolesnika to je i ostvariv cilj. Pri tome je nezaobilazan pun angažman LOM-a.
As the incidence of allergic diseases of the respiratory tract is on increase, the number of patients suffering from these diseases is also increasing and they represent a significant portion of patients treated by family medicine physicians. These physicians play a very important role in timely recognition and diagnosis of allergic diseases, establishment of diagnostic procedures and regular control. Cooperation with patients, continuous education and promotion of self-control measures are particularly important in the treatment of allergic diseases. Nowadays, the goals in the treatment of allergic diseases of the respiratory tract have been set very high. Thanks to very good pharmacotherapeutic options, the goal to achieve a high-quality and symptom-free life is achievable in the majority of patients, and the role of family medicine physicians is indispensable in this process.
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