Prinos mons. Frane Franića u pripremi dogmatskih konstitucija Drugoga vatikanskog sabora: Lumen gentium i Dei Verbum

Autor: Dušan Moro
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Crkva u svijetu : Crkva u svijetu
Volume 44
Issue 2
ISSN: 1848-9656
Popis: Rad obrađuje intervente koje je splitsko-makarski nadbiskup mons. Frane Franić (1912.-2007.) podnio na Drugom vatikanskom saboru (1962.-1965.), te posebice njegov prinos u pripremi dviju konstitucija, Lumen gentium i Dei Verbum. U prvom dijelu analiziraju se tri ključna pojma i prinosa raspravi De Ecclesia. To je inzistiranje mons. Franića na izrazu Ecclesia militans; uz ostale slike o Crkvi, vojujuća Crkva potaknuta je stvarnim stanjem nekih kršćanskih crkava iza “željezne zavjese”, pod komunističkim režimima, nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata. Drugi dio posvećen je njegovu prinosu o sakramentalnosti biskupskog reda, u kojoj se od početka zalaže za definiranje tog stoljetnog teološkog problema, no potom u ulozi relatora tzv. ‘manjine’, zastupa mišljenje kako nije razborito definirati taj problem. Treća problematika vezana je uz kolegijalitet biskupskog zbora u odnosu na rimskog biskupa. Iako kolegiju biskupa priznaje i pridaje najvišu vlast u Crkvi, mons. Franić snažno ističe primat rimskoga biskupa; sve to sažimajući u sintagmu “cum Petro et sub Petro”, i taj primat naziva ‘integralnim primatom’. U drugom dijelu članka analiziraju se dva interventa biskupa Franića, o izvoru božanske Objave, tj. o Predaji i Pismu. Zanimljiv je njegov stav o Objavi pod vidom dvaju potočića (duo rivuli), po kojem ostaje na pola puta od samog Nacrta do završnih formulacija Sabora u DV. Naglasak je na interventima F. Franića, koji se sučeljavaju s prinosom drugih relatora i s konačnim tekstom u završnim raspravama. Na taj se način mogu jasnije sagledati rezultati i izvući zaključci. A zaključci su da je Franić jedan od značajnih protagonista rasprava o 3. pogl. LG i DV, te da je pridonio jasnijem i potpunijem izražavanju Sabora o ključnim teološkim pitanjima.
The work treats the interventions of the Split-Makarska archbishop Mons. Frane Franić (1912-2007) at the Second Vatican Council, especially in preparation of two Constitutions: Lumen Gentium and Dei Verbum. In the first part three essential terms and contributions to the debate De Ecclesia are analysed. It is his insisting on the term Ecclesia militans, along with other pictures about the Church, prompted by the actual state of some Christian Churches behind the “Iron Curtain”, under the communist regimes, after the Second World War. The second aspect is his contribution to the debate on sacramentality of Episcopal order, where he, from the beginning, even interceded for defining that centuries-old problem, then to hold a view, in the role of a relator of so called “minority”, that it was not wise to define it! The third term and issues are related to the collegiality of Bishops College in relation to the Bishop of Rome. Although he recognizes and gives supremacy to the Bishops College, he strongly emphasizes the primacy of the Bishop of Rome and puts it all together under the syntagm “cum Petro et sub Petro”, and he names it the “integral primacy”. The second part of the article analyzes two of his interventions on the origin of divine Revelation, i.e. on Tradition and the Scripture. His attitude is interesting, because he talks about Revelation as about two brooklets (duo rivuli), thus staying halfway, from the very Draft, to the final formulations of the Council in DV. The emphasis is on the very interventions of Frane Franić, who confronts the contribution of other relators and the final text in concluding debates. Using that methodology, one can more clearly see the results and come to conclusions. And that is: Frane Franić is one of the important protagonists in the debates about 3 chapters of LG and DV, and in this way he contributed to a clearer and more complete expression of the Council itself on the essential theological issues.
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