Korijen u maksilarnom sinusu

Autor: Marijo Bagatin, Ivica Krmpotić
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 1983
Zdroj: Acta stomatologica Croatica : International journal of oral sciences and dental medicine
Volume 17
Issue 3
ISSN: 1846-0410
Popis: U radu je analizirano 87 bolesnika s uguranim korijenom zuba u maksilarni sinus. Korijeni prvog i drugog gornjeg kutnjaka su najčešće nađeni u sinusu. Kod 17,2% ispitanika nađeni su simptomi u vezi s antrooralnom komunikacijom a u 10,3 ispitanika vezani uz upalu sinusa. U 66% bolesnika korijen je izvađen kroz alveolu a u 27,6% bolesnika vršena je radikalna operacija sinusa po Caldwell-Luc-u. Komplikacije nakon odstranjenja korijena nađene su u 9,2% ispitanika. Češće se nađu nakon radikalne operacija sinusa (18,2%) nego nakon pristupa kroz alveolu (9,1%).
The authors analysed 87 patients with displaced roots in the maxillary sinus. The roots of the first and the second upper molar tooth were most often displaced in the maxillary sinus. In 17,2% of the cases the symptoms connected to the oroantral communication were found and in 10,3% of the cases were connected to the sinusitis maxillaris. In 66% of the patients the roots were extracted from the sinus throught the alveola and in 27,6% cases the radical operation of the sinus after Caldwell-Luc has been performed. The complications after the extraction of the roots from the sinus were found in 9,2% of the cases. They were more often after the radical operation of the sinus (18,2%) then after the alveolar aproach (9,1%).
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