Konfiguracija vodoopskrbnog sustava Požeštine za uvjete maksimalne iskoristivosti izvorišta na obroncima Papuka

Autor: Luka Jelić, Dragutin Mihelčić
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Radovi Zavoda za znanstveni i umjetnički rad u Požegi
Issue 1.
ISSN: 1848-8951
Popis: Ovim radom prikazan je razvoj vodoopskrbnog sustava Požeštine, posebno mogućnosti korištenja voda s izvorišta na obroncima Papuka, od njegove hidrauličke koncepcije sve do potrebe za daljinskim upravljanjem i kontrolom toka vode. Specifičnost tzv. „brdskih“ izvorišta jest visoka kakvoća vode, ali i promjena izdašnosti u periodu ljeto – zima. Vodoopskrbna konfiguracija u načelu je izgrađena tako da je moguće koristiti se tim vodama, no za njihovu maksimalnu iskoristivost u uvjetima proširenja vodoopskrbnog sustava i uključivanja novih potencijalnih brdskih izvorišta potrebno je ugraditi odgovarajuće regulacijske ventile i postaviti algoritme rada kako bi se vodoopskrba u što većoj mjeri automatizirala.
The Požega area was always characterised by scarcity of wate for human use in the summer months. The current well fields can be divided into well fields in the lowland areas by the Orljava river and hillside water intakes on the foothills of Papuk. Even though the area of Papuk has a relatively large catchment area, due to its specific geological structure there is no possibility for significant accumulation of groundwater that could be used for water supply to the population throughout the year. However, water from hillside water intakes is of high quality and, due to its elevation, enables water supply without spending additional energy, which is an element that they aimed and still aim to make maximum use of. Thus for a number years the water supply structure has been developed so as to enable receiving hillside water in all seasons and, if necessary, supplement it with water from the well field in the Orljava river valley. Recent hydrogeological research showed that, by drilling deeper in the Papuk hills, additional quantities of water can be encountered that could be, with additional energy consumption, used in the summer months when water shortages occur regularly, which is also an additional burden on the expansion of the public water supply system in the entire Požega area. Inclusion of such well fields in hillside parts of the water supply system with maximum use of existing hillside water intakes would be made possible by forming an adequate water supply structure but, more importantly, by managing and controlling the flow of water from available sources. In order for that to be possible it is necessary to properly install appropriate regulation valves at precisely selected locations that would be connected to the SCADA system. This system, but also adequate algorithms for operation of the water supply system, shall enable maximum use of water of high quality that complies with all requirements of the current Ordinance on Sanitary Quality of Drinking Water and, due to elevation, enables mostly gravity water supply that reduces energy consumption.
Databáze: OpenAIRE