Autor: Gergeta Sotončić, Kristina
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Archaeologia Adriatica
Volume 16
Issue 1
ISSN: 1848-9281
Popis: Od kraja travnja do početka lipnja 2021. godine na području nekadašnje depandanse hotela Stella Maris u Novigradu provedeno je zaštitno arheološko istraživanje. Ono je rezultiralo definiranjem prostora širenja kasnoantičkog i ranosrednjovjekovnog groblja sub divo koje je gravitiralo oko crkve sv. Andrije sjeverno od današnje župne crkve. Grobovi su oštećeni formiranjem vrtova i, poslije, izgradnjom zgrade turističke namjene početkom 60-ih godina 20. stoljeća. Utvrđeno je nekoliko tipologija grobova. Prevladava ukapanje u grobove formirane od neobrađenih vapnenačkih ploča koje su nejednako lomljene i nejednake veličine, položene jedna do druge te okomito usađene u tlo. Prisutni su i ukopi u dijelom zidane grobove te slobodno polaganje pokojnika na zdravicu. Ostatci dviju kasnoantičkih amfora i brojni ulomci amfora otkriveni u otpadnim jamama upućuju na najraniju fazu ukopa. Položaj grobova u južnom dijelu istražene površine bio je definiran suhozidima, koji su u naknadnoj fazi ukapanja preslojeni grobovima. Grobove, na temelju tipologije pokretnih nalaza, od kojih prevladava grubo kuhinjsko posuđe i amfore, datiramo u razdoblje od početka 5. do 7. stoljeća.
Rescue archaeological excavations were conducted in the area of the former annex of the Stella Maris Hotel in Novigrad from late April to early June 2021. The excavations resulted in defining the area of spreading of the late antique and early medieval sub divo cemetery that surrounded the church of St Andrew north of the present-day parish church. The graves were damaged by soil tillage, and some time later, by the construction of a tourism-related building in the early 1960s. Several grave typologies have been determined. Burials in row graves are dominant. The graves are made of undressed limestone slabs, broken unevenly, of various sizes, laid one next to another, and stuck vertically in the earth. There are also burials in partially walled graves or simple laying out of the deceased on the bedrock. Remains of two late antique amphorae and numerous amphora sherds found in refuse pits suggest the earliest phase of burials. Position of the graves in the southern part of the excavated area was defined by drystone walls that were overlain by graves in the subsequent phase of burials. Graves are dated to the period from the early 5th to the 7th century in terms of typology of small finds dominated by coarse kitchenware and amphorae.
Databáze: OpenAIRE