Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Društvena istraživanja : časopis za opća društvena pitanja
Volume 22
Issue 1
ISSN: 1848-6096
Popis: Na uzorku od 819 studenata ispitane su spolne razlike u učestalosti i uspješnosti preotimanja tuđega partnera za kratkotrajnu vezu, učestalosti bivanja objektom preotimanja za kratkotrajnu vezu i uspješnosti takvih pokušaja te učestalosti bivanja žrtvom preotimanja vlastita partnera. Nadalje, ispitani su i odnosi između raznih aspekata preotimanja i socioseksualnosti, posebno na uzorcima žena i muškaraca. Rezultati su pokazali da su muškarci češće od žena pokušali preoteti tuđe partnere za kratkotrajne veze. Sličan broj žena i muškaraca navodi da je u tome bilo donekle uspješno, ali žene češće izjavljuju da su bile prilično uspješne u preotimanju partnera. Podjednak broj žena i muškaraca izjavljuje i da su bili objektom preotimanja, ali značajno veći broj žena navodi da su učestalo bile objektom preotimanja. Uspješnost preotimanja veća je kada je objekt preotimanja muškoga spola. Žene su češće od muškaraca bile u ljubavnoj vezi i češće su bile u vezi s partnerom koji ih je privukao dok su bile u vezi s nekim drugim. Socioseksualnost je kod oba spola slično povezana s iskustvima preotimanja partnera, pri čemu je povezanija s pokušajima nego s uspješnosti preotimanja. Rezultati su objašnjeni evolucijskim teorijama reproduktivnoga ponašanja.
The aim of this study was to examine gender differences in attempts and successes of short-term poaching of someone else's sexual partner, the frequency of being a target of short- -term poaching and the success of one's own short-term poaching attempts as well as the frequency of being a victim of short-term poaching of one's own sexual partner. Furthermore, the relationships between different aspects of poaching experiences and sociosexuality in women and men were also examined. The study was carried out on a sample of 819 university students. The results showed that men attempted to poach someone else's sexual partner for a short-term relationship more often than women. A similar number of women and men reported to be somewhat successful when poaching someone else's partner, but women more often than men reported to be quite successful. Furthermore, a similar number of women and men reported that someone tried to poach them for a short-term relationship. However, significantly more women reported to be a frequent target of poaching, while men reported that they were poached more easily than women. Women reported to have been more often than men in a romantic relationship and more often with a partner who had attracted them while they had been in another relationship. Sociosexuality is similarly related to different poaching experiences in women and men, and more with poaching attempts than with its success. The results obtained were explained by evolutionary theories of reproductive behavior.
Databáze: OpenAIRE