Autor: Kamenka Živčić, Nevenka Breslauer, Tatjana Stibilj - Batini
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Odgojne znanosti
Volume 10
Issue 1(15)
ISSN: 1846-1204
Popis: Cilj ovoga rada jest prikazati jedan od načina dijagnosticiranja i znanstvenog verifi ciranja metodičkog procesa učenja određenoga gimnastičkog elementa putem biomehaničke analize. Kao primjer modela na kojemu je pokus izveden, odabran je osnovni akrobatski element – premet naprijed. Na temelju nastavne metode utvrđene tijekom niza godina praktičnog nastavnog iskustva (trenera i gimnastičara) prikazan je postupak znanstvenog verifi ciranja i određivanja iskoristivosti određene metodičke vježbe kroz proces proveden u osam faza, s time što je svaka faza precizno defi nirana i planirana. Ovim radom nastojimo doprinijeti širem razumijevanju procesa učenja te njegovoj modernizaciji, kao i ukazati na točniji i učinkovitiji pristup tom pitanju.
The aim of this paper is to illustrate one of the ways of diagnosing and scientifically verifying the methodical process of learning a gymnastics element by means of bio mechanical analysis. The forward handspring – a basic acrobatic element – was selected as the model on which to base the experiment. Based on the training method established over a number of years of practical professional experience (of coaches and gymnasts), the procedure of scientific verification and establishing the usability of a particular exercise was shown through the process carried out in eight phases, each of which being very precisely defined and planned. In this paper, an attempt is made to contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the learning process, its modernisation, and to indicate a more precise and efficient approach to this matter
Databáze: OpenAIRE