Perinatal mortality of preterm twins

Autor: Frane Mikulandra, Ivica Tadin, Ivo Banović, Zvonimir Vrančić, Radoslav Crvelin
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Medicinski vjesnik
Volume 27
Issue (1-2)
ISSN: 0350-6487
Popis: Ispitana je perinatalna smrtnost prijevremeno rođenih blizanaca (do 37. tjedna) u Šibeniku, Zadru i Splitu u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 1988. do 31. prosinca 1990. godine (Period A) i od 1. siječnja 1991. do 30. rujna 1993. godine (Period B). Period A je vrijeme društveno političkih previranja u bivšoj Jugoslaviji, a Period B je vrijeme izravne vojne agresije. U Periodu A je bilo 23826 porođaja, od kojih je 234(0,98%) blizanačkih, a u Periodu B na 22292 porođaja 260(1,17%) su porođaji blizanaca. U periodu A nalazimo 140(29,9%), a u Periodu B 198(38,1%) prijevremeno rođenog blizanca (X 2 = 7,28; P0.05). Da je perinatalna smrtnost blizanaca u Periodu B bila kao u Periodu A, tada bi 14 blizanaca prijevremeno rođenih ostalo u životu. Autori zaključuju da je izravna vojna agresija na područje Šibenika, Zadra i Splita u trudnica sa blizancima prouzročila s jedne strane slabu neonatalnu zaštitu, ili je potpuno onemogućila, a s druge strane prouzročila je fizičke i psihičke traume, što je udruženo dovelo do povećanog prijevremenog rađanja blizanaca, posebice blizanaca do 31. tjedna trudnoće, povećanog rađanja blizanaca porođajne težine do 1499 g, s posljedičnim visokim perinatalnim mortalitetom. Izravna vojna agresija je neizravno prouzročila smrt 14 blizanaca, koji su prijevremeno rođeni.
Perinatal mortality of preterm twins (up to 37 weeks of gestation) is analyzed, born in Šibenik, Zadar and Split in the two examined periods of time. Period A (1st January 1988 - 31st December 1990) is the time of socio-political turmoil in ex-Yugoslavia, whereas Period B (1st January 1991 - 30th September 1993) is the time of the direct military aggression on the area in question. In the Period A there were 23826 births, 234 (0.98%) of which were twins. Out of 22292 births in the Period B, 260 twins (1.17%) were born. In the Period A 140 twins (29-9%) were born prematurely, compared to 198 (38.1%) in the Period B (X2 = 7.28; pcO.Ol). Twin births before 31 weeks of pregnancy occurred less frequently in the Period A than in the Period B (4.3% :10.1%). Similarly, in the Period A there were less twins of the birthhweight under 1500 g (4.3% -14.7%) (p0.05). Had the perinatal mortality in the Period B been the same as in the Period A (and one should have expected even lower mortality rates), 14 premature twins would have lived. The authors draw a conclusion that the direct military aggression on the regions of Šibenik, Zadar and Split caused on the one hand poor or no antenatal care and on the other hand physical and psychological traumas to pregnant women. This led to an increased number of premature twin births, especially before 31st week of gestation, higher number of twins of birth weight under 1500 g and consequently to a high perinatal mortality. Direct military aggression indirectly caused the death of 14 premature twins.
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