Autor: Yousuf, Tabasum, Bakhtiyar, Yahya, Andrabi, Saima, Wani, Gohar Bilal
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Croatian Journal of Fisheries : Ribarstvo
Volume 81
Issue 1
ISSN: 1848-0586
Popis: Za procjenu akvakulture, dužinsko-maseni odnos i faktor kondicije smatraju se standardnim metodama za određivanje rasta ribe, njihova zdravlja i potencijalnog prinosa. Jednogodišnje istraživanje je provedeno radi izračunavanja dužinsko-masenih odnosa (LWRs) i faktora kondicije (K) za sedam ribljih vrsta, Schizothorax niger, S. curvifrons, Cyprinus carpio, Carassius carassius, Pethia conchonius, Crossocheilus diplochilus i Gambusia holbrooki u jezeru Manasbal. Rezultatima je utvrđeno da četiri ulovljene vrste riba (S. niger, S. curvifrons, C. diplochilus i G. holbrooki) pokazuju negativan alometrijski rast, dok su druge vrste riba (C. carpio, C. carassius, P. conchonius) pokazale pozitivan alometrijski rast. LWR je bio značajan pri P < 0,01 u svih sedam vrsta riba, s koeficijentom determinacije (R2) u rasponu između 0,73 i 0,96. K je bio viši kod C. carpio nego kod C. carassius, P. conchonius, G. holbrooki, C. diplochilus, S. niger i S. curvifrons. Trenutna studija koja daje LWR i faktor kondicije sedam vrsta riba iz jezera Manasbal, Kašmir bit će korisna za upravljanje ribljim vrstama, kao i za procjenu ekološkog stanja jezera.
For aquaculture assessments, the length-weight relationship and condition factor are considered standard methods for determining fish growth, its health and the potential yield. A year-long study was conducted to calculate length-weight relationships (LWRs) and condition factor (K) for seven fish species, Schizothorax niger (Alghad snowtrout), S. curvifrons (Sattar snowtrout), Cyprinus carpio (Common carp), Carassius carassius (Crucian carp), Pethia conchonius (Rosy barb), Crossocheilus diplochilus (Kashmir latia) and Gambusia holbrooki (Mosquito fish) in Manasbal Lake. The results revealed that four captured fish species (S. niger, S. curvifrons, C. diplochilus and G. holbrooki) exhibited negative allometric growth, while other fish species (C. carpio, C. carassius, P. conchonius) exhibited positive allometric growth. LWR was significant at P < 0.01 in all seven fish species, with a coefficient of determination (R2) ranging between 0.73 to 0.96. The K was higher in C. carpio than C. carassius, P. conchonius, G. holbrooki, C. diplochilus, S. niger and S. curvifrons. The current study providing the LWRs and condition factor of seven fish species from Manasbal Lake, Kashmir will be helpful for the management of fish species as well as for assessing the ecological condition of the Lake.
Databáze: OpenAIRE