The genotype determination and molecular characterization of bovine leukemia virus in Turkey

Autor: Feray Alkan, Ilke Karayel-Hacioglu, Selda Duran Yelken, Nuvit Coskun
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Veterinarski arhiv
Volume 91
Issue 3
ISSN: 1331-8055
Popis: Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) infection is widespread worldwide and causes significant economic losses in the livestock industry. In this study, to identify the genotypes and to investigate the molecular characterization of BLV strains, we analyzed 25 BLV strains from cattle housed in six herds located in several Turkish geographical regions. Phylogenetic analysis, based on a partial or full-length sequence of the env gp51 gene of BLVs, showed that all Turkish BLVs belonged to genotype 1. The alignment of the deduced amino acid sequences demonstrated fourteen amino acid substitutions in different regions of the env gp51. This study updates our knowledge of BLV in Turkey. Further studies are needed to understand the molecular epidemiology and implement a comprehensive BLV control program in Turkey.
Virus goveđe leukemije (BLV) raširen je po cijelom svijetu i uzrokuje znatne ekonomske gubitke u proizvodnji. U istraživanju, s ciljem identifikacije genotipova i molekularne karakterizacije sojeva BLV-a, analizirano je 25 sojeva BLV-a goveda iz 6 stada, uzgajanih u nekoliko turskih zemljopisnih regija. Filogenetska analiza osnovana na djelomičnoj ili punoj sekvenciji gena env gp51 BLV-a pokazala je da svi turski virusi goveđe leukemije pripadaju genotipu 1. Poravnanje izvedenih aminokiselinskih sekvencija pokazalo je 14 supstitucija aminokiselina u različitim regijama gena env gp51. Ovo istraživanje dopunjuje znanje o BLV-u u Turskoj. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja kako bi se razumjela molekularna epidemiologija i proveo sveobuhvatan program kontrole BLV u Turskoj.
Databáze: OpenAIRE